Chapter 9: DISTANCE.

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He would follow me, stare at me, and try and get my attention. I avoided Malfoy, and plan to for the rest of my time in Hogwarts, then we will go our separate ways. Potions class was a blur, Charms class was tiring. I was breaking down, with this voice in my head the only thing curing it. Malfoy wasn't in many of my classes, and I understand why. I broke him yesterday at the astronomy tower, and I shouldn't have. I have gone too far, and I regret it.

Maybe I should've gave him a chance? He cant be that bad. "Miss Greeves!" I hear Flitwick say my name "sorry Professor" I say. Ron looks at me "whats wrong Harlow?" he says "bloody hell Harlow, you aren't thinking about Malfoy the other night are you?" he says "what even was going on with you two on the astronomy tower?" He says again, I look at him "Nothing! Absolutely nothing!" I say with a loud whispering voice. "Greeves and Weasley!" Flitwick say again, we both look at him "Detention for you both!" Flitwick says with a loud voice. I roll my eyes and put my head down.

Detention at Hogwarts is not much, just an empty room with a few chairs and some students, including me and Ron. "Psssst!" I hear Ron's voice 2 seats above me "what?" I say. Ron moves down 2 seats so he is sitting beside me "can you tell me what was up with you and Malfoy yesterday night?" Ron says "theres nothing to know, we just happened to run into each other up there" I say back, lying to his face. I felt bad lying to Ron, he's my best friend and Malfoy is just... nothing to me "are you sure?" Ron says with a disgusted look on his face "positive" I say back "you really think I would date someone like Malfoy?" I say again, Ron smirks at me.

To be honest, I don't know what I have for Malfoy, I can't even think at all when Im around him. "Hey! Greeves!" I hear that attractive accent behind me once again, it sounded familiar. It was Malfoy, standing at the door waving at us to get out of there. "Malfoy?" I say "what is this?" Ron says looking at me with another disgusted face. "I have no idea Ron, trust me" I say to him confused "I am here to get you out of detention" Malfoy says "thanks, but we're fine not getting in more trouble" says Ron "come on Ron, it's our only chance" I say. Malfoy waves his hand telling us to come, so we go with him.

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