Chapter 18: ENDGAME.

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The next morning I didn't want to wake up. But I kept telling myself, Draco will protect me. Voldemort has declared a battle, so let it be. "Harlow!" I hear a voice knocking on my dorm. It was Harry, Ron, and Hermione "are you ready fo today?" Hermione says sitting on the end of my bed. Harry and Ron just stand there "can we not talk about it today?" I say "when all this is over, we will be safe" Harry says. Ron comes over to sit on my bed beside Hermione "we just have to beat him" Ron says, Harry and Hermione nod their heads and step up from my bed.

"Lets go Harlow!" Hermione says pulling me out of bed "we only have a few hours!" she says again. "Let me just get ready first" I say getting out of bed. Ron and Harry stare as I get up in silk green short shorts, and a silk green crop top. I was showing lots of cleavage, but they were my best friend so I didn't care much.

Hermione leads them out of the room as I get dressed. I change into a plaid green skirt, and a darkish green crewneck sweatshirt. I took the ring off my finger and glared at it. I slept with the ring on, it was too beautiful to take off, and I didn't want to lose it. I threw my hair up and left the dorm. I made sure I had my wand, and books.

Today was a free day off, because of the battle. Ron, Hermione, Harry and I are going to hang out all day. "The queen is up" Ron says. We all laugh as I curtsy as a joke. We laugh again as Ron and Harry slide down the corridors. We all head to the Great Hall for breakfast. "I wonder what chef has for us today" Ron says. "Oh Ron, stop with the food obsession!" Hermione says. We giggle as he digs into the toast and tomato sandwiches. He gags "TOMATOES?!?" Ron says "oh Ron, stop acting like such a child" Hermione says again. Ron peels the tomatoes off of the sandwich to there's just mayo and mustard. I sipped my tea as Dumbledore spoke up.

"Attention students" he says "as you all know..." he continues. Before he could finish a cloud of black smoke flew into the Great Hall. Bellatrix is here, that's not good news. "The battle is beginning" she says when she comes out of her smoke form. I notice she's looking straight into my eyes and smirking, I lift one eyebrow not knowing why she's staring at me.

She forms into smoke again and flies out of the Great Hall. "Students, be aware" Dumbledore says leading us all out to the corridors. "I have an idea" Harry says "Dumbledore!" he shouts "wait up Dumbledore!" he shouts again trying to get Dumbledores attention.

"Harry!" Dumbledore says "Ive been meaning to find you" he says again "you need to keep safe, remember Voldemort is coming mainly for you" he says again. "An army" Harry says "Dumbledores army verses Voldemort and the Death Eaters" Hermione says "clever" Dumbledore says "all students form an army behind me!" Dumbledore says. We all form an army as Dumbledore led us to the forbidden forest. I felt so unsafe, without Draco by my side, I knew I was not safe. But we formed an army, and that should do against Voldemort.

I was at the front right next to Harry, behind Dumbledore and Hermione and Ron were behind us. We come to an open area where the Death Eaters sat. And there was Voldemort, Severus Snape, and Bellatrix standing side by side infant of the Death Eaters. I spotted Draco in the crowd, he was staring at me and playing with his hands. He looked so scared, just sitting there beside his parents, Narcissa Malfoy and Lucius Malfoy. How could they put their son through this?

I paused my thoughts when I heard a loud, old voice speaking "the famous Harry Potter is standing in front of me once again" Voldemort says "Greeves is it?" Voldemort says again, he was looking at Bellatrix for some reason, and she nods. That was weird. I notice Draco with the corner of my eye, he was gripping his wand read to use it.

His parents were holding him down so he doesn't do anything he will regret. "So grown up from the last time I saw you" Bellatrix says walking towards our army. I step back, but Harry grips my hand whispering a me to be brave. I stand my ground as she walks closer to me and touches my face.

Draco stares at me again making sure nothing happens, protecting me. "Draco's little girlfriend" Voldemort says. I squeeze my knuckles getting ready to throw a punch or grab my wand and Avada Kedavra them all, but I didn't. "Would you care to tell her Bellatrix?" Voldemort says "she will eventually know" Bellatrix says backing up and walking towards Draco. "Draco will tell her" she says again.

Draco's eyes widen as he refuses to get up "Draco" both his parents whisper to his, encouraging him to get up. He stands up as Bellatrix leads him over to our army. I stepped closer because I knew I was safe now "go on Draco" Voldemort says tapping his wand in his hand . "Bellatrix is your blood mother" Draco says. He did not hesitate, he just said it. In that moment I did not feel safe anymore and I step back, almost stripping over a big stone. I was speechless.

Bellatrix laughs and walks over to me, I try and hide behind Dumbledore so I'm safe again, but I just couldn't feel safe no matter what. "Avada Kedavra!!" I hear Dumbledore speak a spell. It was the automatic death spell. My eyes were closed so I couldn't see if it worked. I wipe my eyes clear and notice he didn't hit who I thought he was going to hit. He hit Draco. He killed Draco.

I hear cries from his parents and friends before I could even blink. I fall to my knees not aware of what I just saw, and fainted. before I could hear any more cries, memories flash through my mind, of me and Draco. I see the day we were on the train to Hogwarts, when he threw a frog at my head, I saw that day on the astronomy tower, and yesterday on the astronomy tower when he told me about the battle going to happen.

I saw that day when we were at the garden looking at the beautiful flowers and plants, the day we were looking out at the glowing lake with the fish flashed through my mind, when we talked about our free lives and more. Our fights flashed through my mind, our apologies, our moments, and mote flashed over and over again, faster and faster, until I opened my eyes.

I was sit-in gin the Hogwarts hospital bed with a cup of tea and my friends by my side, except Draco. I forgot everything that moment, all my flashbacks, and that moment when Dumbledore hit Draco. I look up at my friends, they all have tears rolling down their cheeks. "What happened?" I say sitting up from my hospital bed sipping my tea.

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