Chapter 16: I LOVE YOU. <3

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Potions class. My favourite class, my second favourite class would have to be mystical creatures. "You're doing it wrong!" Hermione says. Hermione is like the mom of the group, always making sure everybody is doing everything right. Sometimes you just have to ignore her, not take her advice, and keep going. "Harlow" Harry says from behind me "what is it Harry?"I say looking back "do you remember talking to Voldemort the other day?" he says "I do... why?" I say.

"Do you remember Voldemort saying there will be a battle of Hogwarts?" he says. "Attention students!" Dumbledore more speaks loud and clear. He cuts Harry off from talking so I just shrug and listen to what Dumbledore has to say. "Someone we know, very well..." he continues "he has has declared a battle between the Death Eaters and Hogwarts" he says "Lord Voldemort has declared war" he says. The whole school gasps in terror all looking at each other, including me.

Draco. The Death Eaters. Battle of Hogwarts. It all seemed too fake to believe. I feel different from all this, like I'm the bad guy, but I'm not. "Harlow" I hear Hermione say. I look over so I'm looking at her "It will be ok" she says "what?" I say. I wasn't paying attention. I drifted off into my thoughts like I always do. "Sorry Hermione, can you say that again?" I say.

"Guys!" Ron says "look!!" he says again. All the students look up and see clouds of black smoke "Bellatrix" Harry says "this must be a warning" I say. Harry, Hermione, and Ron all stand close to each other and nod, agreeing to my statement. The clouds suddenly went away, into the darkness. Then I though about Draco, and the conversation we had together this morning. I felt bad, like maybe I should fix it all, I should stand up for myself and tell him I love him, and not lie about it.

I set off looking for Draco again. I feel like that's all I am doing, looking for Draco, finding Draco, seeking Draco, hunting down Draco. Does he ever come to school? I took my time looking for him, and eventually I did. He was in the hall, reading. Who knew Draco could ever read books "hey" I say "oh hey darling" he says "you read?" I say sarcastically "don't tell anyone" he says "I cant promise you that" I say "that's some juicy news" I say. He smirks "well what are you reading?" I say sitting down next to him. "This weird book called Love Too Strong" he says. I look away so I'm not looking into his eyes.

I have read that book, on the way to Hogwarts. What a coincidence, that's my favourite book, written by David R. Vandal, aka one of the best writers of all time. "Thats my favourite book" I say "I knew that" he says. I look at him confused "I got it from your trunk" he says "you went through my trunk?!" I say "I don't even want to know why" I say again. He smirks again and continues to read. "This book reminds me of us" he says.

I look down and smile. This book is the most romantic book ever, it's full of passion, love lust, and more. "Ohh spicy part" he says, I look at the book page and giggle. I felt awkward watching him read that part, so I curled my toes and pulled my knees closer to my chest. "Draco?" I say "yes darling" he says "Im so sorry about this morning" I say "I truly am, and I just want you to know that I do love you, so much Draco" I say again, fully truthfully "Harlow" he says, I nod.

"You have no idea how much I wanted to hear this from you" he says. "I love you too darling, words cannot explain the love I have for you, and the truth is, I cant control the love I have for you" he says again, I smile a tiny bit as he leans in out of nowhere and kisses me on the lips. "There's some things you don't know, that I want to tell you right now" he says "I shouldn't tell you these things you are waiting to hear, but nothings holding me back because of my love for you" he says, coming closer and holding my face "tell me anything Draco, there's nothing possible that can ruin this" I say.

"I cant tell you here" he says "what you are about to hear is like nothing you have heard before" he says. The smile rubs off my face, I pick myself up so I'm standing up with Draco. He leads me out of the castle while holding my hand. We both run into dusk "what about Voldemort?" I say "you'll be safe with me" he says. I felt protected, from the whole world. With Draco leading me into dusk, I felt unstoppable, a type of way that I liked.

He led me to the astronomy tower, my favourite place to go when I need to think or study. He tugged my hand and be both climbed the stairs up to the balcony. "So beautiful" I say hanging my arms over the railing gazing out at dusk. "Not as beautiful as you darling" Draco says "you're so charming" I say turning around so I'm looking at him. I lean in and hug him, I hugged him loose until he wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me in closer. He gently kissed my forehead, and then my lips.


I held her face as we kissed in the moonlight. Her face was so smooth, but her lips were so rough, not chapped rough, but a nice rough, like I cant explain it. We kissed longer until I figured it was time to tell her. I paused the kissing and tucked her hair behind her ears, she stared at me like she wanted more, I did too but I knew I had to protect her.

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