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I run so fast that I hear the wind rush by me. Footsteps. Somebody is following me, not Malfoy, it can't be. I stop running and look back "Harlow!" I look back "Malfoy?" I say "Why did you follow me" I stutter. "Why wouldn't I?" he says back "you think Im just gonna let you run away not knowing what's going on?" He says back concerned. "Yes" I say back trying to hide my face. He comes closer again and I step back. "This feels wrong Malfoy" I say back "Follow me" he says leading me to a balcony with 2 chairs and a lantern. "Sit down" he says with a serious face. So I did it, no hesitation at all. He sits beside me on the other chair and looks at me with wide eyes.

"You're eyes" he says to me, I look at him and look back away. He walks over to the chair I am sitting in, and bends down. I close my eyes and take a breath, he grabs my chin and makes me look at him. I take another deep breath. "There beautiful" Draco whispers while still gripping my chin. He lets go, and I look at him. We stare at each other for 5 minutes straight, no blinking, no noise, no movement, just a blank stare. I look away "I should get back to my common room" I say "Hold on" Malfoy says with excitement in his voice.

He grips my hand and pulls me to the ground. We both lie down there and stare at each other, in my head there's a little voice saying "Don't do it! Don't do it!" But I know I want to, what's the worse that could happen? "Look up at the sky" he says. I look up at the stars, and my eyes widen while he looks at me and smiles. He looks up with me and we stare at the stars "Theres the Big Dipper, and over there to the left is the Little Dipper" I say pointing to the big and little dipper.

"Beautiful isn't it darling" Draco says with his lovely accent. I look at him and he looks at me, I get up and shake my head. "I should get going now" I get up and start speed walking back to my dormitory. "Wait!" I hear a voice behind me and footsteps running behind me so fast that I stop walking and look behind me. It was Malfoy "This just feels so wrong" I say "I am a mudblood, and you are a pure blood, this can't be right" I say. Malfoy looks down and his smile turns into a sad, broken face. "Trust me, what we have is so much different then wrong" he says while looking back up at me.

I look away and hear more footsteps coming our way. It was Ron and Hermione "Whats this?" Ron says. "Nothing, I was just leaving" I say while running down the halls back to my dormitory. Malfoy tries chasing after me "Harlow! Wait up!" he says "Let her go Malfoy, you've done enough" Hermione says. Ron and Hermione walks away together back to the Gryffindor common room. Malfoy stands there and looks down, a tear rolls down his pure face. Malfoy was broken once again.

The Girl Who Cried MalfoyWhere stories live. Discover now