Chapter 19: THE TRUTH...

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"You fainted Harlow..." Ron says "I though you passed out forever!" Hermione says, Harry smiled at me and held my hand. "There is something you need to know Harlow" Hermione says "what is it?" I say "Bellatrix is your blood mother" Harry said. My eyes widen and my mouth drops. "What?" I say "I- don't know what to say" I say. Hermione takes my other hand "you don't have to say anything, we're here now to protect you" Hermione says. "Protect" I say "where is Draco?" I say.

I sit up more and look around the room for him. I really need him right now, he's the only one that can protect me. "Theres something else you should know Harlow" Ron says "what is it Ron?" I say. Ron sighs and looks in my eyes "Malfoy is, well..." he says "he's gone Harlow" he continues "he's gone forever" he says. I was speechless, I just stared at them all for a while, eventually a tear rolls down my cheek.

Hermione, Ron, and Harry all hug me as I cry more and more and more. I couldn't stop, I was numb. No way he's dead, how could he leave me like this? Im not safe. He left me unsafe, and broken. It cant be, he's not really dead is he? "Is this a dream?" I say "this is not a dream" Ron says. I hug them again and start to cry harder, until I could no longer cry anymore. No tears, just numbness.

"Where is Bellatrix?" I say "she's gone with the rest of the Death Eaters and Voldemort" Harry says "Im glad you guys are safe" I say "Im so sorry for you're loss Harlow" Hermione says "Is there anything we can do?" Harry says. "Its ok, Ill find a way to get over all this" I say. I do miss Draco, but I have to learn to let them go. "Dumbledore was sent to Azkaban for his mistake" Ron says. "He won't be coming back for a while, Malfoy's parents made sure of it" Hermione says.

"It wasn't his fault" I say "It was a mistake" Harry says. Hermione and Ron nod as they pull me up from my hospital bed. I want hurt, just my head was pounding from all these flashbacks I was having. "Ill see you guys, I'm going to pack my trunk" I say standing up "you're leaving?" Hermione says "I have to get away from this place for a while" I say "I need to get my mind off things and visit my mom back in muggle world" I say.

"Meet me outside of the castles at dawn, that's when I'm leaving" I say. They nod as I climb the stairs to Slytherin common room. A tear rolls down my face as I'm headed up the moving staircase. I cant believe this still, how could he be gone, forever?" I say. I shake my head trying to get my mind off it.

I enter the common room and rush straight to my trunk as its almost dawn. I unpack and notice a corner of a note with writing on it. There was also green petals all in my trunk. I pulled the letter out and it read:

Dear Darling,

If I don't make it, just remember even if I am gone, I will always protect you. You were on my mind when I woke up this morning, I just cant stop thinking about you. You are the most important person in my life, the best thing that have ver happened to me. You were a gift, and I will cherish our moment together, until the day I die.

I needed love and you were there, I needed a light in my life and you were there, I needed you and you were there. Just remember I will always be here whenever you want, like the day you were there for me the day on the astronomy tower. I am madly in love with you and I cant control it. You are my darling angel, and god chose to give you to me.

Six months ago we haven't even met, and now you are the most important thing to me. The only thing I have. I never want to lose this, the love I have for you. And I believe me, I will never. I don't want to lose YOU. Imagining life without you is like drowning in the deep end. I will love you forever. Never forget that my darling.

Always and Forever, Draco.

That made my heart skip two beats at once, it was a beautiful poem.

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