Chapter 11: FOREVER<3

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The next morning I got up fast, I had a lot of energy. I didn't know why I had a lot of energy, but I did. Potions class was first, and Ron was not there. Ron is in all of my classes, and today he was in none. I decided to keep to myself today, and think about myself, but I just couldn't keep my mind off Ron. Usually its Malfoy that I can't keep my mind off of, but today, it's Ron, my best friend. I was thinking if I should apologize or not, I did nothing wrong, but I should still say sorry for upsetting him. After charms class Ill go look for him and apologize.

"Greeves?" I heard Malfoy behind me. I look back and there's a tall figure, slim body type and his hair was platinum almost white, and it was shifted to the side. "Malfoy" I say back crossing my arms. I know Malfoy did nothing wrong. I kissed him, but I just wanted to take all my anger out on him, since he was kissing me back. "You sound mad" he says. I rolled my eyes at him. Oh god, I have to stop taking my anger out on him. "I just got into a fight with Ron, for something I can't control" I say. "You told him?" he says "Malfoy he's my best friend, Id tell him anything" I say "he was mad wasn't he" Malfoy says "Im so sorry Greeves, I should've known this would happen" he says again. "I kissed you Malfoy. Please don't apologize, this is all on me" I say "I didn't regret it" I say again.

He hugs me again, out of nowhere "can we talk" he says "yes Draco, we can talk" I say back, realizing I haven't called him by his first name ever, he smiled when I said that "can we talk on the astronomy tower?" he says, I nod "follow me darling" he says, so I obey. I love it when he calls me that, it makes me feel... so loved. On the astronomy tower, be both sit down on the ground. Draco wraps me in his arms, I feel warm as he leans on my shoulder.

"This is important what I'm telling you Harlow" he says, calling me by my real name. I smile "tell me Draco, anything" I say "I think I should just save it" he says as he gets up and takes my hand "If its personal, tell me when you're ready" I say back "darling, thank you for understanding" he says "this is all moving so fast" I say "what do you mean?" he says "us" I say back.

He shrugs his shoulders "can we sit together at the Great Hall for dinner tonight?" he says, totally ignoring me "sure, I have to go find Ron" I say while getting up from the floor "should I come?" he says "I think one of us should handle this, it's for the best" I say "see you at the Great Hall tonight Draco" I say. He smiles as I walk away. I'm headed to find Ron now, I am not looking forward to searching the whole school, but he's got to be around here somewhere. I'm running through the halls trying to find Ron, and theres just no sign of him. I see a shadow figure that looks like Ron, I look around the corner and there he is, sitting on a ledge by the window.

I walk over to him and sit beside him "how long have you been sitting here" I say as he looks away and shoves over away from me "look Ron, I am so sorry" I say "I just can't control my feelings" I say "I just don't get it, bloody hell why Malfoy?" Ron says "trust me, I don't know" I say "he's not all that bad, he's secretly soft and sensitive" I say "I get it Harlow, you like him" he says "you caught the f word" Ron says. I laugh "the f word" I say with a giggle. Feelings. me and Ron made that up when we were kids. We both laugh and hug tight "I am so sorry for getting mad at you for kissing Malfoy, I just want you to be happy" he says still hugging me "I love you Ron" I say "I love you Harlow" he says "forever" I say back "forever" he mocks me and we hug once again.

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