Chapter 14: DEATH EATERS...

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I look them up and down, still digging my nails into my palm. In that room, there was over eleven wizards. The ones I noticed first was Pansy Parkinson, Lord Voldemort himself, Bellatrix Lestrange, Severus Snape, and Draco. Another tear rolls down my eye as I notice them all staring at us, Harry, Hermione, Ron and I. I try and stop myself from looking at Draco, even though I know he's showing some kind of emotion. Instead, I look around the room while slowly pulling my wand out of my robe pocket "here to join us are we?" Lord Voldemort says "I spy another pure blood" he says again. "Harlow Greeves" Pansy Parkinson says my name.

Draco's eyebrows raise, I wasn't looking at him, I couldn't. I gasp "Harry Potter himself" Lord Voldemort says. Harry steps forward, but I put my hand in front of him to stop him from walking towards Lord Voldemort. Bellatrix laughs in an evil way "oh Potter, step forward to our lord please?" Bellatrix says in a high pitch voice. I step in front of Harry "no" I say. "What did you say little girl?" Voldemort says. "I said no" I say again, but stronger. I finally got the strength to look at Draco, who moves from his chair aggressively and stood up.

A very tall man with long platinum hair stood up also "Draco, sit down son" he says. Thats his father I'm assuming. I look away from Draco quickly. It felt awkward knowing that someone you thought you were close with is in a cult that involved Lord Voldemort. Tears roll down my face, continuously. Draco tried his best to not look at me, but he knew I was sad. And I knew he was frightened on what Voldemort might do if he cared too much. I look straight at Draco, and we lock eyes. I spy a tear rolling down his face as well. I wanted to run over there and make him feel safe.

"Bring me Harry Potter" Voldemort says. Draco's father and mother come over and lead Harry to Voldemort. I could see Harry shaking, but I knew he was strong. Ron, Hermione, and I stood there, watching out for Harry. Voldemort sweeps Harrys hair off the left side of his forehead to look at Harrys scar.

Voldemort lets Harry go and he runs back to the three of us. "There will be a battle tomorrow" Voldemort says. Bellatrix laughs and I look over at Draco again, he's looking down at his feet. "Head up Draco, you should be proud you're a Death Eater" Pansy Parkinson says. Draco's head rises and he turns to look at the tables. I felt bad for him, it looked like he didn't have a choice, he had to be a Death Eater.

And then I remembered, Hermione was Muggle born, which means she has non magic parents, and Death Eaters kill every single one of Muggle borns. We need to get out of here. Ron shakes my arm telling me to leave that place. "May we continue?" Voldemort says. Draco's father and mother slowly shuts the big doors. Before they could fully shut the doors, I threw a note in the room. I put a spell on that note earlier to make it only visible to Draco, now I have to hope he picks it up.

"Harlow!" Hermione says "yes?" I say "you dropped a note in that room!" she says. I told her that I put a spell on it and that its only visible too Draco.

"I wanna take you somewhere so you know I care, but its so cold and I don't know where, I brought you daffodils on a pretty string, but they won't flower like they did last spring, and I wanna kiss you make you feel alright, I'm just so tired to share my nights, I wanna cry and I wanna love, but all my tears have been used up. On another love, all my tears have been used up, on another love... And if somebody hurts you, I wanna fight, but my hands been broken one to many times, so I use my voice I'll be so rude, words they always win but I know I'll lose. And I'd sing a song that will be just ours, but I sang em' all to another heart. And I wanna cry I wanna learn to love, but all my tears have been used up. On another love, another love. I wanna sing a song that will be just ours, but I sang em' all to another heart. And I wanna cry I wanna fall in love, but all my tears have been used up. On another love, another love, all my tears have been used up."

I wrote that note too Draco, hoping he would get it.

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