Chapter 12: GREAT HALL<3

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i apologized to Ron, and i felt good about it. It's dinner time now, and me and Ron are headed there. Draco is nowhere to be seen, I cant find him. Maybe he is already at the Great Hall, waiting fo me. We have arrived at the Great Hall, and Draco isn't there, Ive searched everywhere in the Great Hall and there is just no sight of him. Did he ditch me? Does he not like me anymore? No. "What are you waiting for?" Ron says "nothing, let's just eat" I say shaking my head "finally!" Ron says excitedly.

Ron is a sucker when it comes to food, he steals all the snacks from the dorm, and eats two full plates of his dinner. He can't stop eating, he even takes Hermione and my leftover food. Hogwarts is going to be all out of food again, and we will have to get muggles to donate us food! All because Ron ate it all. Hermione and I hate when Ron eats everything, he never stops!

Chicken wings, vegetables, and cheddar biscuits are for dinner tonight. Rons favourite, great. Im looking around the room for Draco, and he's nowhere to be found. It's like he always runs away at the most important times, like dinner. I'm a little upset because Draco was the one who asked me to sit beside him tonight, and there's no point.

I guess I'm kin of wishing he came just so Ron doesn't have to take my food. "May I finish your supper Harlow?" Ron says. There it is. I guess I kind of expected that, at least he's polite when he asks, and when he is, I just cant say no. "Sure, Ron. Take it all" I say annoyed but happy at the same time. "Hermione?" Ron says. She rolls her eyes at him and passes him her plate. "God Ron! do you ever stop eating!" she says. I smile "have you guys seen Draco?" I say "he asked me to be here today, and he just hasn't shown up" I say hesitating on what they would say "No, why?" Hermione asks "just curious" I say while getting up. "I have to go to the restroom" I say getting up from my seat walking down the hall.

Suddenly I hear Dumbledores voice, calling us all into the Great Hall. "Attention students!" I stop and listen "unfortunately we have some terrible, frightening news" Dumbledore says "he has returned" Dumbledore says again. My mouth drops then closes again. I look at Ron an Hermione sitting at the dinner table, they look shocked. "Voldemort is back?" a random Hufflepuff yells from across the room. "Don't say his name!" Hermione yells from across the room.

"We order all students to stay safe and never go outside of Hogwarts" Dumbledore says "classes that are taken outside of Hogwarts will be moved inside" he says again "we will put a protection on Hogwarts, so nobody can escape or get in" Dumbledore continues to talk about you know who. And then I remember "Draco!" I yell out loud. I run out of the Great Hall searching for him, I look everywhere. Ron and Hermione chase after me "Harlow!" they yell, sprinting to me.

I stop running and fall to my knees, Hermione and Ron lifts me up. "He could be in danger guys!" I say "we have to do something, we have to find him!" I say panting. "We will help you find him Harlow" Hermione says "I'm sure he's fine guys, can we go finish our dinner?" Ron says "Ron, he could be in trouble, we have to help him" I say still panting.

The three of us set out to look for him, everywhere.

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