Chapter 10: THE F WORD...

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To be honest, I don't know why I went with Malfoy. I guess I had no other choice, I wanted out of detention. "This way" Malfoy says as he leads us to the great hall "You go ahead Weasley" says Malfoy "Whats going on between you two?" Ron says, I put on my disgusted face "Nothing Ron, Ill see you at school tomorrow" I say as Ron walks away with a suspicious look on his face. "Harlow, look" he says "what? are you going to lecture me on why I am not talking to you?" I fire back at him "I'm not interested Malfoy, just because I am in the Slytherin house doesn't mean you can walk all over me" I say again "I'm not your girlfriend" I fire again.

"Wow Greeves, you can be feisty sometimes" I roll my eyes as he says that "I like that" he says to me "you have to earn it Malfoy, which you won't..." I say "come on Greeves, give me a chance" he says and looks down "it just feels so wrong" I say even though I know for a fact that I am interested, I like Draco, I just feel like I shouldn't "Its not wrong to like me Greeves, its all in your head" he says, and I believe him. I know he's right, its all in my head.I can't resist, him standing there, doing nothing at all just makes me... never mind. I want Malfoy all to myself, and no, I'm not guilty for saying that. I understand now, I should give him a chance, my heart hurts for Malfoy.

That night in the great hall I did something that I wouldn't regret. I kissed Draco Malfoy. And I didn't regret it, I liked it. I loved it. I wanted more. I couldn't help myself. But I had to. So I stopped and looked at him, we stared for 5 minutes straight. Out of nowhere, he hugs me. I didn't know why, but something was telling me somethings wrong. Is Malfoy ok? We stopped hugging each other after 2 hours, we were still in the Great Hall, it was late. "Are you ok?" I say, he nods. I swear I saw a small tear fall off his cheek when we stared at each other, he was not ok.

And I wanted to help him, but I just didn't know how. As I walked back to my common room I see Ron by the staircase, we had his arms crossed. "Took you long enough" he says yawning "What were you two doing?" he says again. "Talking" I say, sounding stupid. "Talking about what?" Ron says again. God I wish he wasn't so protective, he acts like my mother. "Nothing important" I say. I try to walk by him to get to my dormitories but he holds his hand out and stops me aggressively "ok! I caught feelings!" I say "you have no idea Ron, how much feeling I have for Malfoy" I say as his jaw drops.

He's speechless, I said the wrong things. I shouldn't have told him. But I just couldn't hold it in any longer! He's my best friend! I screwed up our relationship. Ron looks down "wow" he says with a surprised look on his face. "You were lying to my face the whole time" he says "couldn't even tell your best friend" he says again "Harlow we've been best friends for 12 years" he says with wide eyes. "I should told you" I say "please don't be mad, I need you" I say. He walks away without saying a word. I screwed up. I lied to my best friends face, and worse of all, I said the F word. Feelings. I caught feelings for someone I shouldn't.

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