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I looked around and I see a green petal sticking out from my robe. I pull it and out comes a gardenia flower. He must've picked this out when we were in the gardens, I remember saying how beautiful this one flower was, it was the sage green gardenia flower. I peek around again and see a square box. I open the box and find a gorgeous necklace. The necklace was darkish green with a snake wrapped around the gorgeous gem. I took it out of the box and held it in my palm. I had the chains up and put it around my neck, and clipped it. I turn around to the mirror.

I move my raven black hair out of the way so I could see the gemstone glistening with the sunlight. I pick the gem up one more time so its in my palm, and squeeze it tight. I cried again, tears dripping down my cheeks while holding onto the gem. I will never take this off. I grab all my stuff and pack it. Tears keep coming down my face as I pick out new clothes. I picked out a knitted sweater with the letter H on it. Mrs Weasley made it for me in my second year. I threw on some grey sweatpants and packed the rest of my things up.

I double checked if I had everything and I did. So I was on my way to the corridors, and then to the entrance of the castle, where my friends were. I ran at them and hugged them tight, saying our goodbyes. "Ill miss you tons" Hermione says "Hogwarts isn't fun without you" Ron says "Ill miss you Harlow" Harry says. I look down "Ill miss you all so much" I say hugging them one last time. "See you next year" I shout while I head out to the train.

If Bellatrix or Voldemort or any Death Eater comes at me again, I will be ready. I gave my trunk to the wizard by the train who then puts it in a compartment in the side of the train. I grab my book out of my sweater and start reading the rest of Love Too Strong, which Draco had stole from my trunk a while ago, that when he must have slipped the note and gifts in.

The train leaves as I wave to my friends, next year comes up fast, it will be no time until I am back at Hogwarts. I doze off into my thoughts which eventually puts me to sleep. I though to myself, he's here.

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