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{tw: cutting}


It was an addiction that I couldn't control. Him staring at me, was life. "I came here to tell you something" he says. I nod and grip his hands tight "are you okay love?" he says "Im worried for you Draco" I say "don't be worried about me darling" he says smiling. He's forcing his smiles, and he cant help but look down. I want to do something to help, anything. I look down at his arm, and roll his sleeve up, until he stops me. He grabs my arm and pulls it down "let me do this" I say. Gripping his arm again, rolling up his sleeve and seeing a black skull mark.

We studied about Death Eater marks in class, also known as the dark mark. Voldemort controls this, he is the leader of the Death Eaters and they all have these marks. I looked at it for a while, until I noticed there was scars and scratch marks in his arm, where the mark was.

He has been trying to scratch it off. He dug into his arm with a knife trying to carve it off. I didn't want to make him uncomfortable by looking up at him and questioning it. I ran my hand gently down his arm where all is scars were and kissed it. He pulled my chin up to his level and kissed me one more time, he didn't have a problem with me seeing his mark.

"Does it hurt?" I say "sometimes" he says. He looks at his mark and slowly starts crying. A tear rolls down his cheek and he turns around so he's not looking at me. I turn him around and gently touched his face, I wiped his tears away. "It will be okay" I say "it will?" he says. That broke my heart, seeing him cry breaks my heart. Seeing Draco cry made me cry, seeing his mark and what he's apart of brakes me.

"Harlow" he says "yes?" I say "tomorrow there will be a battle of Hogwarts" he says "Dumbledore told all the students in the Great Hall" I say. He nods, it looks like he's nervous. He plays with his hands and that's how I know he's nervous. "I cant fight against Voldemort" he says "I understand, I don't want to hurt you" I say. "I will always protect you when I need to Harlow" he says. I nodded, and turned to the sky noticing it was pitch black.


I wanted to tell her something else, but it was too early, I couldn't just say it out of nowhere. But I wanted to tell her, nothing is holding me back when it should, I want to be the one who tells her so she feels more safe. But I couldn't.


"We better head back inside" I say "follow me darling" he says. He led me down the stairs holding my hand, we both ran, Draco was leading me. Eventually we came across a lake. The lake was glowing, there were a bunch of unique fish swimming deep at the bottom of the lake. We stopped running and Draco pointed to a beautiful fish swimming at the upper level of the lake. "Don't you wish we could be fish?" he says "to experience the feeling of being free" he says "I would like that" I say "we could be together forever, under the sea" I say "If only it was possible" Draco says

"we should be heading back now" I say "one more place" he says. I smile and take his hand as he leads me to the third special place. The beautiful gardens "wow" I say "look at this one!" I say pointing to a beautiful blue orchid. "Beautiful" he says pointing to another sage green flower "what kind of flower is this?" I say "I think that is a Gardenia" Draco says.

"You've been studying!" I say excitedly "who would've known Draco Malfoy studied?" I say. He smirks and looks down. "Close you're eyes" he says "are you going to do something to me?" I say "you'll see" he says. He pulls a box out of his pocket and inside was a beautiful hunter green ring with a snake wrapped around the gorgeous gemstone. The ring was glowing.

"Open" he says. I open my eyes and and look at my hand "Oh my god" I say "Draco-" I say, he cuts me off by shushing me. "You don't have to be this nice to me" I say. It just seemed like he's being way too nice to me, spending his money on me. "Oh this must've been so expensive" I say "your worth it" he says. I hug him and look at my hand one more time. "Thank you so much" I say "I love it" I say again. "And I love you" he says. I feel my cheeks heat up, they felt so hot I felt like they were going to explode.

"Your blushing darling" Draco says "oops" I say, looking away from him "wouldn't blame you" he says again "oh Draco would you shush" I say. "Truth be told, a lot of girls have blushed around me" he says. I roll my eyes "I'm not sure I want to hear about your past life" I say "I'm sure they wouldn't even recognize you now" I say again "was that supposed to be an insult?" he says "I don't know, you tell me" I say.

He rolls his eyes "you're still a smart ass like before" he says. I smirk and take his hand as we walk back into the castle. "Don't be scared of the battle my darling" Draco says "I will protect you" he says again "as long as I have you, I feel safe" I say. We walk back into the castle and go separate ways.

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