Chapter 13: MALFOY MANOR.

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We ran through the corridor looking for Draco, but we couldn't find him. "Wait up" Ron says sprinting towards us "maybe you should just go back to the Great Hall Ron, me and Hermione got this" I say "remind me why we are looking for Malfoy again?" she says "he is back Hermione" I say "you know who is back, he's coming for Harry, and us" I say continuing to sprint.

"He was our enemy throughout our whole childhood, and now we are saving our enemy" Hermione says sprinting one meter beside me "I think I'm falling for him Hermione" I say still running, a tear drops from my eye. She looks at me and smiles and runs faster checking through the halls for Draco "then we better find him for you Harlow" she says, we both stop running for a minute. Hermione and I hug each other, another tear drops from my eye "lets go!" I say. We run to the side doors of Hogwarts and stop "Dumbledore put a protection spell on Hogwarts" I say. Hermione puts her hand through the door "not yet Harlow, come on!" Hermione says. Thank god. I thought I was going to lose him.

"Malfoy Manor!" Hermione says "What?" I say. I have no idea where or what that is, should I know what Malfoy Manor is? Does Draco live there? Hermione lead me to a strange, dark, massive building surrounded by trees with a gateway. "Come on Harlow!" Hermione says. I run faster and faster until I'm about two inches in front of Hermione. We walk through the open gates making our way to the entrance. "Are you sure about this?" Hermione says as we finally reach the entrance. I nod and walk in taking a deep breath "get your wands ready Harlow" Hermione says, I pull my wand out ready to cast spell.

We walk through the dark halls furious. This place is the definition of Slytherin, it is all green in here, like Draco was meant to be in the Slytherin house. "Harlow do you hear that" Hermione says. I hear a door squeaking, like someone is opening the front door, and trying to get in. "I hear a door" I say "yes me to, should we hide?" Hermione says "stay here, I will be right back" I say while telling her to stay quiet while I'm gone "are you crazy Harlow?!" Hermione says trying to hold me back, but I walk off anyways.

I hide once in a while if I hear a noise, but overall, I hear or see nothing. I continue to spy on the front door until I hear the floor creak. "Harlow!!" I hear Harrys voice behind me and I jump out of fear. "Harry!!" I say "Ron!!" I say, hugging them both. "You guys should not be here" I say "we came looking for you!" Ron says "What are you doing here Harlow?!" Harry says "Im with Hermione, looking for Draco" I say "that explains why your'e at Malfoy's mansion" Ron says "why are you looking for Malfoy?!" Harry says, looking surprised.

Oh no, I haven't told Harry anything on Draco and I's relationship. "Harry, can we talk about this later?" I say. Harry nods and starts running to Hermione, along with Ron and I "Harry! Ron!" Hermione says "no time to explain now, we have to find Draco" I say. We lurk the halls checking for Draco, until we hear people talking. There is a deep voice, and that is the only voice we hear. "Follow the voice" Harry says.

We follow the voice to a room, I slowly peek through the door. The only thing I see is a giant table with tall chairs, I don't hear people talking anymore, the deep voice is gone. I lead Harry, Hermione and Ron to the door hoping that there is nobody inside the room with the giant table. I push the door open and my mouth dropped, my body filled with goosebumps, my feet start numbing, my fist curls, so my nails are digging into the palm of my hand. What. The. Hell.

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