Chapter 3: EYES ON ME<3

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Im looking at him with the corner of my eye so he doesn't notice me looking. A lovely girl with curly brown hair approaches my table and the one across from us until she is standing right between them, looking at me. She grins and I smile "Hey, I'm Hermione Granger" I smile bigger and say "My name is-" I pause realizing I just got cut off by a boy with red hair and lots of freckles covering his nose "Ron Weasley, nice to meet you... what was your name again?" I chuckle "Ron, don't cut her off, we were talking!!" I smile and say "My name is Harlow Greeves, nice to meet you Hermione, Ron aswell!" They smile and another boy walks down the aisle.

He had round glasses covering his ocean blue eyes, and a shaggy cut covering his forehead. "Hello" the boy says walking towards Hermione, Ron and I. "Harry!!" they both say excitedly. I respond with "hello there" and the boy smiles. "Im Harry. Harry Potter" he says with a crack in his voice. "Potter! always introducing himself" a loud, attractive voice speaks behind us "He thinks he's famous for something, for what? a scar on his forehead?" Says the boy beside us once more. The sidekicks beside him laugh and grunt. "Shut up Malfoy" says Harry. "Malfoy" I say under my breathe glaring my eyes at him. He looks at me once again and winks, then he quickly looks away and laughs continuously. I roll my eyes and continue walking with Hermione and Ron.

We sit at a booth only a few seats ahead of Malfoy. "Any candy? Chocolate frogs?" says an older woman with a trolley full of sweets walking down the narrow aisle. "Seven chocolate frogs please" says Ron stuffing his face with leftover bubblegum. "Gosh Ron just stop eating so much!!" Says Hermione. I giggle and take the chocolate frogs thanking the woman with the cart as she walks to the next booth. "Malfoy... is that his real name?" I say while eating one of the chocolate frogs "Malfoy? Why?" Hermione says "Don't get involved with Draco Malfoy. He's a bully to everyone at Hogwarts" she says again "I would never get involved with a boy like Draco Malfoy. I could promise you that" I say. Ron stares at me smiling with food all in his mouth and I smile back. I hear Malfoy and his sidekicks laugh behind us again. And then that moment, out of nowhere a frog falls on my head coming at me with a lot of pressure.

I hear the laughs coming from Malfoy getting louder and I realized he threw the frog. Hermione looks at me with the "go get him" look, so I took her advice. I walked down the aisle fiercly with my wand in the air. I wave my wand at him, threatening him to not mess with me. He looks surprised like this is some sort of joke. In that moment, I threw my fists in the air and punched him right in the face with the same pressure as when he threw the frog at my head. "You're lucky I missed you're eye" I smile "next time it will be Malfoy". He gives me a death stare and I swore I saw I little grin there.

That night I felt amazing. He got what he deserved, I taught him a lesson.

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