Chapter 6: JUST FRIENDS...

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That night I went to sleep thinking a lot. Malfoy couldn't have a girlfriend, why would anyone want to be his girlfriend if he treats girls like he treats garbage? I had a 4 hour sleep last night, and I'm half asleep now in the dark arts class. I look back and see Malfoy, staring at me with a little grin and blush on his face that is barely visible. I look back awkwardly and look down at my paper. "Sleeping are we Ms Greeves?" I look up and apologize "sorry professor, I wasn't focusing" I say "clearly" he says back with a blank look on his face.

I look with the corner of my eye behind me, at Draco. He laughs under his breathe and puts his books away. I raise my hand aggressively in the air, Ron looks at me with confusion. "Yes Ms Greeves?" Professor Snape says. "May I use the loo?" I say, he nods. I walk down the classroom aisle looking at Malfoy, he looks back. I nod my head to the direction of the door and nods his head following me trying to not get noticed by Professor Snape. We make it out of the classroom without being noticed. "What Harly?" Malfoy says. "Don't call me that Malfoy" I say with a serious expression.

"Whatever, what do you want Hart" he says "What even is that name?" I say. "I don't even know, deal with it" he says. "Since when did you get yourself a girlfriend?" I say it like I care, when inside I know I don't know. "Why? Jealous Greeves?" He says "What?! Absolutely not, why would I be? Your a jerk." I say back at him "You're jealous" he says again. Ok maybe I am, but I can't admit that! "No I'm not Malfoy, shut up before I hurt you" I say back again. "Ok fine. I don't have a girlfriend." He says, I get confused.

"But a girl from Slytherin said- " I get cut off. "Pansy Parkinson. She's not my girlfriend, she claims she is and I don't know why." he says. "Oh alright" I say "By the way Malfoy, sorry for hurting you yesterday, it got a little out of hand" I say with a shy look on my face "If were gonna be in the same house Greeves, we must make peace between each other" he says with a nice calm voice, a voice that makes me feel safe. But I can't let myself catch feelings, and I know that. "You're right Malfoy" I say and gulp "so friends then?" he says so calm that I almost faint right there in front of him "just friends Malfoy, don't mess this up" I say calmly, he blushes.

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