Chapter 15: PURE BLOOD.

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As we headed back to our dormitories, I thought about how Voldemort called me pure blood. I am muggle born, and I know that for a fact. I was raised by my mother, her name was Julia. I have no father, as far as I know he left for another family when I was only 3. I don't remember him, all I know about him is that he is a total jerk.

"Coming Harlow?" Hermione says "yes, I was just thinking about if Draco got the note or not" I say. "Im sure he did, he stared at you the whole time" Hermione says. I suppose he did, maybe he did see me leave and drop the note. "What are we going to tell Dumbledore and the others?" I say "we are going to tell Dumbledore, only Dumbledore" Hermione says "its the only option" she says again. I nod my head, still in shock over this pure blood Death Eater thing. Im still confused, and I'm sure Ron, Hermione and mostly Harry is too. Voldemort killed Harrys parents, and I bet Harry is still traumatized by that. "Goodnight" Hermione says "goodnight" I say back. How can we just go to bed after what happened. We just saw Voldemort, and heard of the Death Eaters. I cant go back to sleep.

I walked the other way when I saw Ron, Harry, and Hermione go to their dormitories. I was headed to the Astronomy Tower.I had to take some time to think about what happened. I looked out at the stars and smiled. Hogwarts stars are different, they are beautiful. "Pure blood" I say. Maybe Voldemort made a mistake, I couldn't be pure blood. Death Eaters are pure bloods.


She's hidden from the world, she's not perfect. But she has a lot of emotions I never knew she had before. She put a lot of feelings into that note. I wish I could do the same to her, I wish I could explain everything I want her to know. She doesn't know what she think she knows. There is more to the story. Harlow is different, and it will be hard to explain everything to her. But I will. At some point I will explain everything she needs to know. I am in love with her.

Her beautiful raven hair flows in the wind as she's stargazing at the beautiful stars. They are not as beautiful as her. She lets out a sigh and turns around "Harlow" I say "Draco?" she says. She runs into my arms and hugs me so tight its almost hard to get oxygen. She jumps out of my arms and sighs. "Are you okay?" she says. "I need you to understand Harlow" I say. I have to tell her the truth about why she is here, but not yet. I just got here, and I don't want her to hate me for another second longer. "I understand it all Draco, you don't need to waste your breath" she says. Her beautiful bright light green eyes gaze at me. I couldn't help myself, she's holding me back. "Lie down" she says. I lie down, she lies down next to me. We both lie there and stargaze. I turn my head over to look at her. She lies there and continues to gaze. I wish she gazed that way at me.


Stargazing. One of my favourite things to do, especially with your loved ones. I could tell Draco was looking at me in one of those ways. I want to ask him if he got my note, but I'm sure he would've told me if he got it or not. I look over at him and notice he is looking at me. We stare at each other for a while until we notice tension between the both of us. What should I do? I couldn't think for another second until he leans closer and kisses me.

Wow, this is not what I expected, his kiss was softer than rose petals. His hands were as rough as stones, but I liked it. Two hours go by and we're still in the Astronomy Tower. Draco held me in his arms, and I felt safe, a type of safe I have not felt before. We slept under the stars overnight, he was still holding me in his arms. Legs and arms wrapped around my body under the dark sunrise. It was 6am, I got up and put on my robe and skirt. "Good morning my darling" Draco says. "Oh! Draco" I say "I didn't mean to wake you" I say "you didn't wake me darling" he says "I was wondering if you would sleep in or not" I say while trying to put on my tie.

"Need help?" he says while getting up "put some pants on!" I say. He got up butt naked right in front of me. He grabs his pants and pulls them on, I look away and continue trying to put on my tie "nothing you haven't seen before darling" he says. I fake gag "thats disgusting" I say. He walks over closer to me and grabs my neck gently "still want help?" he says. I nod and grab his hand pulling it off of my neck. Draco wraps it around my neck and ties it up. He smirks as he is tying it "whats so funny Malfoy?" I say. "Don't worry about it Greeves" he says.

He tucks my hair behind my ear "can I tell you something I've never told anyone before?" He says "is it bad?" I say "absolutely not" he says tucking more hair behind my ears. "Then tell me" I say. He holds my cheeks and tilts my head upwards. "I am in love with you" he says. I gently grab his hands hands pulling them off my face. "Oh Draco" I say "Is everything alright?" he says "everything is fine" I say back. I look away "see you at school" I continue to walk down the stairs and out of the tower. I do love Draco, I just don't know if I could say it to his face.

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