Chapter 5: SLYTHERIN<3

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Slytherin. How could it be? There must be a mistake. Malfoy. Thats all that comes to mind when I think of Slytherin. Oh my god. My mother is going to kill me! What can I do? Tell her I am a Gryffindor? I don't even want Slytherin. Oh stop lying to yourself Harlow, yes you do. I smack myself across the face and tell myself to get it together. "Enjoy that Harly?" I hear a masculine like voice behind me. I turn around and I see Malfoy, the last person I want to see. "What?" I say with a confused look on my face. "Enjoy that Harly" I hear again, noticing he misunderstood my name. "My name is Harlow, Malfoy. Not Harly" I say.

"And no, didn't quite enjoy that. I probably would have liked Slytherin if you were not in it" I say again with a grin on my face. "Whatever, Harly" he says, misunderstanding my name for the second time. I roll my eyes and continue to the Slytherin common room. I notice that Malfoy is following me so I look back and give him a dirty look. "Following me now?" I say. Malfoy laughs in a mean like way. "After all, we are in the same house" he smirks. That made me angry, so I roll my eyes once more. I try and walk faster so I get to the common room first, but he notices. I look back and he's gone in mid air, so I continue my way to the common room.

Malfoy is there, he beat me there. I rush to the girls dormitories and shut the door. A strange girl walks in that I am unfamiliar with. I smile and she looks at me in a blank way. "Harlow Greeves" I say in a very nice way. "I know your name" the strange girl says. "Malfoy's secret admirer" she rolls her eyes. "What did you just say?" I said with a mean like voice, she rolls her eyes "Pansy Parkinson. Draco Malfoy's girlfriend, he just doesn't care to admit it." She says. "Nice" I say with a fake happy voice.

Why do I care if Malfoy has a girlfriend? Why do I keep thinking about him? Whats happening with me?

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