A/n: this story is based on the song "Cosmic Love" by Florence + the Machine. Whenever a short is based on a song, that song will be the title and there'll be an explanation to go with it.
As the minutes ticked by, you grew impatient. Finally, someone entered. They stood in the shadows, not allowing you to see them or their face.
"(Y/n) (y/l/n)." It was a statement, not a question, and the deep, gruff voice was either male or using a voice changer. Or both.
"Here," you replied in a sickly sweet voice. "We taking attendance now?"
"No." Light filtered through as he stepped out of the shadows, brim pulled low so as not to see his face. Definitely a man. "On the contrary, Agent (y/l/n). It's your turn."
At his words, three strong goons came over to unlock you. Two held you back while the other freed your restraints, and you quickly kicked him in the stomach while twisting out of one of the goon's arm holds. The first moved to punch you and you ducked, making him punch the one still holding you. He loosened his grip momentarily, giving you the advantage you needed to free yourself. While fighting, the man in the shadows called for backup, but you had managed to slip Steve the keys. He immediately began taking care of the backup coming while you took out the three assailants. You were to knock the leader out, but knew he'd wake up soon.
Eventually, the room and halls were clear enough for you to get out. More backup would be coming, but they were a little ways away. You and Steve made your way out, both being sorely bruised from fighting off people. Sure, they weren't trained nearly as well, but they had at least a 15:1 ratio at the best of times—not to mention when it was much higher than that.
You were limping heavily, barely able to walk, much less keep up with your boyfriend. He turned to look at you. "(Y/n)? You okay?" His voice was filled with concern. You nodded, trying to speed up, but couldn't hold back a grimace of pain when you stepped forward.
In an instant, he had scooped you up. "I've got you," he said, carrying you bridal-style to the exit. Thankfully, he had managed to swipe his shield on the way.
Before you could round the corner to the corridor where the door to leave was, backup caught up with you. Steve lowered you reluctantly, moving to a more prepared stance.
These men were far better trained and more populous than those before, and although you managed to fend them off averagely, you were wearing thin, fast.
A glance at Steve told you all you needed to know. He was trying his best, but you knew he wouldn't be able to hold them off much longer. You quickly moved closer to his side, trying to help him.
"Look, Steve," you panted, "we won't be able to both make it out.
He grunted. "I know."
You almost stopped, surprised. "So you agree then."
"Yeah. I can hold them off long enough for you to go."
"If you think I'm leaving, then you're-" you paused to clobber a man on the head, "either delusional, stupid, or just plain unrealistic."
As you were closed in further, you had to stop talking to concentrate. "You're- right," Steve answered. The coldness in his voice shocked you, hurt you even. "The world needs me more than you."
It was insane, as if he'd done a full 180° since his confession of love. "Well, I'm glad," you responded eventually, quiet and rather taken aback.
You doubled your efforts as Steve let his shield fly, making a path for him. He quickly got away as you barely managed to fend off the agents, exhausted but making sure to give him enough time to get away. A couple assailants passed you, but few enough that he could take out easily.
Even after hearing the quinjet take off, you didn't stop fighting. Might as well take out as many as you could and lessen the number of people who might hurt him in the future.
Eventually, you couldn't fight anymore. You slumped to the ground, but the agents were mad and continued to beat you before locking you in a cell, where you slowly drifted into unconsciousness.

Avengers x Reader One Shots
FanfictionREQUESTS OPEN 💘 • •Check here to see if requests are open or closed; I don't do author's notes because I know they suck • •I do smut, angst, fluff, and combinations of the two-heads up; my smut sucks and this is my first time writing it • • • •Re...