Cosmic Love (Pt. 3) ✨ Steve Rogers

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A/n: this story is based on the song "Cosmic Love" by Florence + the Machine. Whenever a short is based on a song, that song will be the title and there'll be an a/n to go with it.


"Soldat." The commanding voice causes you to stop your session. Steadying the punching bag, you turn. (Soldier.)

"Chto tebe nuzhno?" You ask. (What do you need?)

"You have a group of recruits to train." You nod and move to go do so.

*le time skip brought to you by Clint and Nat shouting diving scores at Titanic*

Unfortunately, your version of training was 'you fight until you pass out or die' meaning that, at this point, all of the recruits were on the ground, unconscious. You were also a little ways away from the building, although still in the base, but not close enough to hear the alarms.

In fact, when you realized that there were intruders, it was when a man landed in front of you. Being as you were training recruits, you and they were fully decked out in gear—including the flimsy masks.

He didn't notice you quite yet, having landed in front of you. He gazed at the passes-out bodies on the ground. "I see multiple agents down, possible allies already here—or more hostiles." He said this while pressing his ear.

"Copy that." The noise was so quiet you barely heard it. The man apparently had comms, meaning you couldn't let him tell them about you.

Using his distractedness to your advantage, you knock his legs out from under him. He quickly moved forward to fall on his hands and moved into a flip, turning to look at you. In those split seconds, you grab your gun and fire it. He turns into a turtle, using his shield as a shell. Once the first few bullets bounce off, you stop shooting, knowing that it's futile and not wasting ammo.

Instead, you jump and use a nearby tree branch to swing yourself forward and land behind him on a large rock. He notices you before you can do anything, sending his shield flying and knocking the gun from your hands. You jump down, about to land on his shoulders, but he drops and rolls.

You manage to still land well, but before you can regain your bearings, the man hits you with a killer right hook. You fight, matching him almost punch for punch, as he backs you up against rocks. Upon his movement to kick you, though, you drop, knocking his other foot out of the way. He falls, and you are quickly rushing for your gun.

The man lunges forward, jumping on you and knocking you to the ground. A quick knee to his groin quickly remedies that, and you are able to roll him off and move again.

Unfortunately, during the altercation, he also gets closer to his shield. As a result, he now has it. I abandon the gun, grabbing a knife instead.

We spar, and eventually, we are locked. The man flips me, my mask falling off as I roll. I quickly get to my feet as he stares, shocked. "(Y-y/n)?" He asks softly.

"Who the hell is (y/n)?"

"Wait, what did you say?" Comes out of the comms, which fell to the ground and were now partially broken due to the fight.

The man moves before I do, hitting me over the head with his shield and effectively concussing me. I begin to fall back, but he grabs my arm, halting me. Still dazed, he is able to pull me up and presses his lips to mine. (A/n: NOT OKAY)

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