Avengers Team x Teen!Reader - 25 Mar 21

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you have the power to turn your imagination into reality and then one time you have a nightmare from your trauma (yay) and the team has to fight them off AND try and get to you to wake you up and stop it

It took them a while to convince you to come to the compound.

Tony, Sam, and Steve would box you in a corner and badger you, while Nat and Clint had more subtle methods of trying to get you to stay. Bruce and Wanda stayed out of the entire mess for the most part, although occasionally they would ask quietly for you to move there as well.

It all came to a head one time for movie night. Everyone was watching Mission Impossible: Ghost Protocol, with the resident spies belittling the movie with their commentary, although Clint shut up very quickly after someone pointed out how similar he and William Brandt are, in looks and voice.

The attempts at forcing you to move in were blatant at this point, including the current ones. There were bowls of popcorn and packs of candy everywhere, all labeled in bolded caps: RESIDENTS ONLY.

"Really, Nat?" You groan as you pull up a blanket during the Kremlin scene, only to have it ripped away from you. You pout at your friend, making grabby hands. "Pwetty pwease wif a chewwy on top?"

She ignores you.

You roll your eyes, reaching for some popcorn. Tony quickly moves the bowl, shamelessly not even taking a bite to hide his intentions. "Ugh," you groan again, "Tony, just give me the damn popcorn."

He shakes his head, pretending to chastise you. "Residents only. Read the sign."

You turn to Bruce, the most easy to convince in the group. "Bruce..." you say as you pout.

He quickly looks away. "Nuh, uh, uh, not gonna happen. Those eyes won't work on me."

At the look he gets from everyone else, he amends, "At least, not this time."

You sigh in frustration, running your hand through your hair. "I'm not going to live here, okay? I live close enough."

"We don't even know where you live," Clint deadpans. By this point, the movie is paused.

"Yeah, because I don't want you to."

"And why is that?" Steve asks. "You never told us."

"Lots of people on the team don't say things. Why should I be any different?"

"Okay, but our 'don't tell you stuff' things are like Widow and Legolas' missions," Tony puts in.

"Or like Clint not telling you all about where he lives and his entire family?" You ask innocently.

Clint waves a hand at you. "No, no, no pinning this on me. You don't have a secret family, right?" You slowly shake your head at his query; the entire team knows you're emancipated, and you're much too young for Clint's type of deal. "Then you have no reason to not share it." He shrugs, concluding his story, as he pops another piece of popcorn in his mouth.

You raise an eyebrow. "Your whole thing with not telling us about your family was to protect people that you care about, right?" Clint nods as you spread your hands, concluding your case. "So'm I. So there. Now can we please just watch the damn movie?"

"Woah, language," Tony mutters teasingly, causing Steve to shake his head fondly. "F.R.I.D.A.Y.?"

With that, the movie begins playing again. Nat mutters something about idiot soldiers as the plot resumes, Russian soldiers shooting at a signal flare lighting a dead body that was obviously knowledgeable of being shot at.

— - —

The movie ends, Tony stretching as the lights come back on. "Well," Clint says, "that was..."

"Stupid," Nat finishes for him, although her tone belies her verdict. She glances over at Y/n, noticing that you're asleep, and her voices instantly drops to a whisper. "Shh, Y/n's asleep."

Tony smirks as Steve moves over and gently scoops the teen up in his arms. "Guess we got our wish. Looks like Y/n'll be staying tonight."

"And hey, we get one night, might as well have the next ones," Sam adds.

The group has discussed theories as to why you'd not want to stay the the night, but they pretty much ended up just assuming that that's another level of trust or comfortability or something that you haven't developed with them yet—but that night, they find out the real reason.

Dun dun dun...


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