Pregnant ✨ Carol Danvers

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Requested by teresa_danvers (Sorry if this wasn't what you wanted. There's another in the works that is more fluff, too 😉)

Your POV:

You sat in your bathroom, crying.

I guess it's all a game to you

Wanda came in, having heard crying. When she saw you sitting on the floor by the sink, tears streaming down your face, she immediately dropped to her knees beside you. "Hey, hey, what's wrong?" She asked, looping a comforting arm around your shoulder.

And I don't know what I can do

You silently hand her the pregnancy test as you shook with sobs. A small gasp from her informed you that she had noticed the double lines.

When all thats left, is win or lose

"(Y/n)..." her voice trailed off. She wrapped you in a hug, rocking you back and forth as she held you. Thankfully, she didn't mind the tears soaking through her shirt as you cried into your best friend's shoulder.

But I can't win when I've lost my muse

That was how Carol found you. You hadn't expected for her to be home yet, as she was supposed to be on a six-month mission, but had only been three. As it was, you didn't have time to prepare to tell her the disconcerting news.

Oh, baby, catch me on the flip side

Wanda stiffened as she felt Carol's presence. She looked up, and relaxed when she saw who it was. Your friend's nudge caused you to look up.

While I try to rewind, workin' on taking this in

"Carol?" Your fiancée stood in the doorway, exhaustion covering her features as well as the blood, dirt, and cuts did.

I promise, I won't run at high tide

Wanda quietly took her leave as you stood, the pregnancy test semi-forgotten. Moving to the sink, you grabbed the first-aid kit and forced Carol to sit.

You just stand there wide-eyed, get myself a thicker skin

She bit her lip as your ran antiseptic over her wounds. You quickly bandaged her up.

I thought you said I wasn't someone you would use

With a weak smile, you stood and walked to the bedroom, expecting her to follow. She moved to do so, but the abandoned test on the floor caught her eye.

But you seem to be running out of an excuse

She picked it up, her eyes widening as she stared at it. "Baby?" You called from the bedroom.

I guess that being with you, tied tighter my noose

"Coming!" She yelled back hurriedly, trying to process the object in her hand. She put it off, trying to reassure herself that it was one of the other girls' in the tower, but knew intuitively that it wasn't. The location, along with the scene she had walked in on earlier, confirmed her suspicion.

Don't bother your head, I won't stand for this abuse

"(Y/n)?" You noticed the tension in your fiancée's voice.

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