Chapter 2

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Abigail is driving to a secret bonfire spot out in the woods while Sophia sits in the passenger seat on her phone. "We're 5 minutes away, listen stay by my side, don't accept drinks from strangers, don't make out with strangers, don't talk to strangers"

"Damn, So why am I even going?"

" just don't do it when I'm around" Abigail laughs.

"Okay mom"

Abigail finally arrives at the secret spot parking her car and they step out. They already can hear the music and the smell of weed and after walking for a few seconds they get to the spot. People are around talking, drinking and smoking weed. Some people are dancing and some are sitting in their cars making out.

"Okay well what now?" Sophia asks.

"Have fun" Abigail walks off and Sophia follows behind her.

"You made it" linsey walks up to Abigail hugging her.

"I said I would come, you having fun?"

"Hell yeah, you want a drink?"

"Sure" Abigail follows linsey to a table where bottles and juice and soda are set up. Abigail grabs her a cup pouring her some green apple vodka and mixes it with pepsi.

"Do you want a drink Sophia?" Linsey asks.


"No she doesn't" Abigail replies before Sophia could say anything.

"I can't drink either?"

"Fine, one drink"

Sophia pours her a drink and chugs it "It's a good thing you're here, I have something to tell you" Linsey looks Sophia up and down "In private"

""be right back" Abigail and linsey walks off and Sophia quickly pours her another drink then takes a seat on a rock. She watches as a black jeep pulls up and then Elijah steps out. He walks up to some of his friends and begins talking to them. He starts to look around and his eyes make contact with hers but she doesn't look away.

He starts walking towards her so she looks away and when he gets close he walks right past her and towards the drinks. She turns and watches as he pours him a cup of liquor "hey" she turns and Abigail is standing there with a blunt in her hand "wanna smoke?"


She hands her the spliff and Sophia takes 2 pulls then starts coughing. "If you can't handle it don't smoke" Elijah says while walking past her.

"Maybe you should mind your business" she whispers.

"Ignore him, anyways after this me and linsey going out to eat, you coming with us?"

"Sure, I'm hungry anyways"

"Okay but we're gonna be here for like two hours" Abigail sits down next to her.

Linsey walks over with 3 drinks handing both of them one "let's have some fun and forget about school" They all chug their drinks.

Elijah walks over "what you ladies up to?"

"Just having some drinks and smoking" linsey replies "why, do you want some?"

"No, you already know what I want"

"What do you want?" linsey replies.


"Elijah, I already let you know it's never gonna happen" Linsey grabs his cheek "you're cute though" she laughs. Sofia turns her head ignoring them and gives a look to Abigail and Abigail giggles a little.

"Don't be like that linsey" he grabs around her waist "you know I'll make it worth your while" he smiles. "I'm gonna go get me another drink" Sofia stands and walks off.

She pours her another drink and turns and Elijah is standing there.

"What do you want?"

"A drink and you're in my way"

"Oh" She starts to walk off when he grabs her wrist "so are we on for tomorrow?"

"I don't know, I'll see if I have free time"

"Well let me know" He smiles.

"I will" She walks off and chugs her second drink before joining linsey and Abigail. "So time for some fun" linsey grabs Abigail's hand pulling her up "let's dance" she grabs Sofia's hand too.

"Oh no, I'm too sober, besides this isn't Even a real party" Sofia laughs.

"So what, we came here to have fun so let's have fun"

"Okay fine"

They start to dance to some of the music playing and soon a few people joins in and starts dancing with them. About 10 minutes later Sofia stops dancing "I think the liquor is starting to kick in"

"What's wrong?"

"I have to throw up"

"Go run somewhere, don't throw up over here!"

Sofia starts running but she only gets 5 steps away before she throws up, on someone's shoes.

"Ew what the fuck" he yells "you got it on my shoes!" He pushes her.

"Hey, dont put your hands on her ever again!" Abigail yells and grabs Sofia.

"What are you gonna do?" He steps up to Abigail.

"Tyler, go calm down before you have to deal with me" Elijah pushes Tyler.

"Come on, let's just take you home" One of tyler's friends grabs his arm pulling him back and they start to walk off.

"I'm gonna take you home" Abigail grabs Sofia taking her to the car helping her inside then gets inside.

"Well looks like plans are canceled" linsey sticks her head through the window "Just take her home and make sure she's okay"

"I will, I'll text you"

"Okay" Abigail drives off.

"I'm so embarrassed" Sofia starts to cry.

"You have no reason to be embarrassed, throwing up is normal"

"I know it is but I did it in front of almost half the school!"

"So what, everyone has did something embarrassing before, this is nothing to cry over, everyone's gonna forget about it, almost half the people at that party was drunk"

"You're probably right" Sofia sniffles and starts wiping her tears "can we still go eat?"

"Sure what do you wanna eat?"

"I want some tacos"

"Tacos it is"

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