Chapter 8

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A week later Sofia is in her room watching TV when there's a knock on her door.

"Come in"

Her mom walks inside "I think it's time to take you guys off punishment, what do you think?"

"Is that a trick question?"

"No, a week was long enough for you both, I just don't want you guys staying out late again okay?"

"Okay" Her mom starts walking off "wait mom"


"Does that mean i can go out?"


"Okay thank you" Her mom leaves the room and Sofia stands and begins getting dressed. Abigail walks in "where are you going?"

"I'm going over to Elijah's house"

"oh, what you guys gonna do?" Abigail looks over to Sofia with a smirk "have a little fun if you know what I mean?" She raises her eyebrows.

"No, I'm going so we can work on our project"


"I'm serious, nothing will ever happen between us"

"that's not what you was saying before"

"well I'm saying it now" Sofia puts her phone into her pocket "I'll see you later" She walks out of the room and downstairs making her way out the door. She walks down the street 6 blocks to Elijah's house and knocks. She waits patiently until Brady opens the door "what's up, you here for Elijah?"


"He's at the store right now, come in and wait" She walks in while he looks her up and down closing the door behind them.

"So what you been up to?" He sits down and she sits down next to him "Not much, I was grounded for a while"


"Because of the party you guys had and then we came home late"

"oh that sucks" He laughs "You sure was having a lot of fun"

"I like to have fun, I don't want no boring ass life"

"So why don't you let me take you out sometime and we can sure have some fun" he grips her leg.

"Elijah told me that you flirt with every girl so don't even try it" She laughs.

"All you gotta do is give me the words and I'll drop everybody for you" He leans closer and starts caressing her cheek.

"See, you are a flirt"

"No I just like what I see and I know that I want you" She smiles and next thing you know he leans in kissing her on the lips. He slips his tongue into her mouth and she allows him as she grabs his head running her fingers through his hair. He pulls her so she's sitting on his lap "You're a great kisser" She says with a smile. "I'm great at a lot of other things too" He smirks pulling her head closer and begins whispering nasty stuff in her ear.

"this is so wrong, we shouldn't be doing this" she gets off of his lap standing. "why not?"

"Wouldn't Elijah think this is wrong?"

"Well it doesn't matter what he thinks because you both aren't even together right?"

"We're not but -"

"But nothing, he doesn't have to know about any of this and he doesn't have to know about anything that happens further" He grabs her hand pulling her closer "Unless there's something you're not telling me?"

"No it's nothing, I just don't know, I'm confused!"

"You like him don't you?" He let's go of her hand. "No, Well I don't know"

"Well that gives me an answer"

They hear keys outside the door just as Elijah walks inside "oh hey"


"Sorry I had to run to the store real quick for my mother" He sets the bags down on the counter "What's up?"

"I just came over so we can work on our project" She says. "Okay, it's a good thing you came all of the stuff came, it's upstairs in my room"

"Good" she gives one final look to Brady before walking upstairs followed by Elijah. "So I'm guessing you're finally off of punishment" He closes the door behind them. "you guessed right"

"She never found out about you sneaking out?"

"No and she's never gonna know until I'm ready to tell her" She laughs and takes a seat. "Well I'm glad you're off of punishment" He walks over sitting down next to her.

"Why, did you miss me?" She teases and laughs. "Yes I've missed you, Of course"

"Aw, Well I'm sorry"

"It's good, you're here now"

She smiles at him and then all she starts to think about is making out with his brother. "Elijah there's something I have to tell you"

"There's something I have to tell you too but you first"

"Okay, Me and your brother made out just not too long ago before you walked in"

"Oh" He stops and stares her up and down "Really?"


"Well what can I do about it? I can't stop you guys"

"So you don't care?"

"What do you think? I don't care, you both can make your own choices"

"But that's the thing, I don't think I have feelings for him"

"So why'd you kiss him"

"He kissed me and I didn't know what to do so I just kissed him back" They both sit there in silence for a few seconds and he finally says "Well I don't know what you want me to tell you, I honestly don't care what happens with you both"

"Okay" She looks down at her feet "You know what, I might just go for it"

"Good for you" He takes out his phone and begins texting people and she just sits there and watches him. "Look, do you just wanna watch a movie instead?"

"No, I'll rather us just focus on whatever we're doing with this project" He stands grabbing a couple of boxes off of his dresser "Here's the stuff"

"Thanks." She grabs the boxes away from him opening it up "This is probably gonna take a while to set up"

"Why don't we start setting this all up Thursday? I actually have somewhere to be in a hour"

"Oh okay."

"Thank you for coming over though, It was nice catching up"

"No problem" She stands grabbing her sweater and he walks her downstairs into the living room hugging her before she leaves "I'll see you later" He smiles. "See you later" She leaves and begins walking home.


"He literally kicked me out!"

"Well he didn't really kick you out" Abigail sits by Sofia's side. "Not technically but once I told him that I kissed his brother his facial expression completely changed, I bet you he doesn't even have anywhere to go"

"Well obviously he lied, it probably was awkward, hearing that you kissed his brother is probably not what he wanted to hear"

"I knew I shouldn't have told him, I'm so stupid" Sofia lays back in bed with a sigh. "you're not stupid, you had to tell him that anyways"

"Should I go over there and Just tell him how I feel?"

"No, Wait until he texts you first"

"Okay, I'll wait."

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