Chapter 14

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A week later Sofia Is on her way to Elijah's house When she runs into Abigail. "Where are you going?"

"To Elijah's house, why does It matter?"

"It doesn't I was just asking, So are you talking to me now after dodging me for a week and a half?"

"I don't know, Should I be talking to you?" Sofia replies "Is there something you need to tell me?"

"I don't even know why you were mad at me In the first place, just tell me" Abigail rests her hand on her shoulder.

"Wow" Sofia laughs "You're really gonna sit here and act like you haven't done anything wrong?"

"I haven't Sofia!"

"Well I guess you're gonna just have to figure It out on your own" Sofia starts walking off. She gets to Elijah house knocking on the door and he opens the door "hey, I didn't know you was coming over"

"I was bored and wanted to come see you" She kisses him "Is anyone home?"

"No my mom Is at work and my brother is out with some friends" He closes the door behind her "Why?"

"Because now we have the house to our selves" She walks over to him grabbing around his neck kissing him. "Don't you think It's still a little too soon?"

"No" She kisses him again "Let's go upstairs"

She grabs his hand leading him upstairs to his room closing and locking the door behind them. She removes her shirt and her pants and he begins removing his clothes. She backs him up onto the bed pushing him down then gets on top of him and leans in kissing him. He grabs her ass massaging it then slides his hand up her back unsnapping her bra and throwing it onto the floor.

She stops when she Notices something behind the pillow and pulls it back finding a bra. "Whose is this?" Sofia grabs the red lace bra holding it up showing him it. "I don't know whose bra that is, it's probably yours"

"No Nigga, I never wore a red lace bra before, whose bra is this?" She gets off of him.

"Well It can't be anyone else bra but yours" He reaches for the bra "Let me see" He sits up.

"What you wanna see it for? All you gotta do is tell me whose bra this is i found under your pillow!" She throws it at him.

"Sofia I honestly don't know! Please let's not do this again baby" He tries to grab her hand but she pulls away "Don't touch me you dirty ass bitch!" She backs up.

"It's been 2 weeks without anything going wrong and now you just wanna throw this all away over a fucking bra!" He stands.

"Exactly" Sofia grabs her clothes putting them back on then her book bag and phone and begins walking towards the door when he steps in front of it.

"Please just hear me out"

"Elijah move out of my way, I forgave you way too many times, this is the last straw, we're done!"

"If that's how you feel then go" He opens the door holding it open for her. "Don't try to make me feel bad, I'm the stupid one here, your brother was right"

"So you've been talking to my brother behind my back?" He steps back "I can't believe you"

"Hey, At least you didn't find a bra under my pillow"

"What's going on?" They both turn around and standing In the hallway is Brady "And maybe you should put your pants and shirt back on"

"What have you been saying to Sofia about me?'

"What do you mean, how you're no good for her? It's only the truth"

"And you are good for her?"

"Better than you ever will be" Brady looks to Sofia "When you're ready for a real man you can just text me" He smiles.

Elijah tries to go out in the Hallway but Sofia grabs his arm pulling him back. "No, not today, Brady leave us alone"

He shakes his head in disapproval before walking off to his room. Sofia closes the door "We're not gonna keep doing this, I'm fed up with this shit"

"I am too But I'm telling you I don't know where that bra came from"

"It didn't just grow legs and walk In here It's self So someone had to be in here" She watches as he walks over to the bed sitting down and takes a deep breath "Sofia This is the last time I'm gonna tell you, I don't know where the bra came from"

"I think It's best that I just leave" She opens the door walking out closing It behind her. She leans against the wall as tears starts to roll down her cheeks. She quietly cries to herself then continues walking when Brady door opens.

"you're leaving?"


"Wait, before you go I have something to tell you" Sofia turns around to him "If it's something about Elijah I don't wanna hear it."

"It Is" He looks down "I'm the one who planted the bra In his room"

"What? Why would you do that?"

"I wanted you to find It So you both could break up, I'm sorry."

Sofia walks over to him slapping him across the face "Save It" She walks back Into Elijah's room closing and locking the door behind them. "Did you change your mind?"

"I'm sorry for accusing you, your brother just told me he put the bra in here"

"See, I'm gonna kill him" He stands and begins walking towards the door but Sofia stops him "Don't, Just let it go"

"Well now you see I was telling the truth"

"I know and i'm sorry" She grabs his face "I get Jealous and of course If I find A bra In your room I'm gonna feel some type of way"

"It's okay." He leans In kissing her "Look why don't you spend the night, it'll give us some more time together and we can work on getting better"

"Okay" She smiles.

Later on around 8:00pm Sofia and Elijah are laying down Cuddling and watching some TV "Hey, do you want anything to drink or eat?" Elijah stands. "Just some water please"

"Okay, I'll be right back" He leaves the room and soon returns with some water handing her it "thank you" she smiles and drinks it. He lays back down next to her laying her head on his chest as they begin watching TV again and soon she falls asleep.


Sofia wake's up around 2:00am and the room was dark, the TV and the light was off and when she looks to her side Elijah wasn't there. She waits In bed for 5 minutes thinking he was Just In the bathroom but he doesn't come back yet. She sits up in bed and waits a few more minutes before standing and opening the door. She sees the living room lights on downstairs and begins walking downstairs "Elijah?" She stops at the bottom of the stairs when she sees Elijah fucking someone and when she turns around she sees It's her sister.

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