Chapter 17: just friends

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"And that's all that happened?"
At this point you don't really care how he reacts do you say

"No... we kissed and then I left for first" you said it like it was nothing but it was in fact a really big deal to you.

"You what" Harry says

"I'm not going to repeat myself so if you didn't understand me oh well." You say rudely, He had no right to be mad at you for kissing someone.

"YOU KISSED HIM" he yells, you could feel tears forming but you refused to cry in front of him so instead you calmly say,

"Harry, if you raise your voice at me one more time I won't hesitate to leave and I won't talk to you ever again." You look at him dead in the eye telling him you're not afraid to do it.

"right. Sorry" he mutters trying to calm himself down.

"And anyways, you have no right to be mad at me. You're not my dad, nor my boyfriend, or brother. So you can hop off my dick and let me live! And besides, it's not like I married the git it was just a kiss." He sighs and says

"I know I know I'm not any of those" you look at the clock and say coldly

"We're going to be late for second period" and with that you leave the room, proud of how you stuck up for yourself and knocked back his ego a little. He's probably used to everyone listening to him and doing exactly as he says because he's the 'chosen one'.

You also felt bad because you did just snap at him when he was just worried about you. You head out to the common room and Hermione and Ron could both tell you were upset so they tried to cheer you up on the way to 2nd. You start to think about what you're going to do about the boys. Ron smiles and says,

"Are you ready to go?" You smile back and take his hand.

"Yes" you guys walk down the hallway skipping and laughing. You loved Ron but as a best friend, the good thing was he felt the exact same way. He hasn't told you yet but you could tell he was in love with Hermione which made you so happy because Hermione told you she liked him. Hermione was walking behind you and Ron and you could tell she felt a little upset so you let go of Ron's hand and whisper,

"You should go talk to Hermione" he gets flustered,

"I- erm- what why?" You smile at how nervous he was

"Just because she looks upset and a little birdie told me she likes you too" his face is now bright red and he glows with a huge smile.

"Really?" You smile and nod, he walks over to Hermione and she smile at him as they talk. Harry comes up to you and says

"How'd you do that?" You look up at him and say

"How'd I do what?"

"How'd you get Ron to talk to her? I've been trying to do that since 2nd year." You laugh and say

"Magic" he lightly chuckles and you both keep walking to second. You get there and you all take your assigned seats. Second period goes by pretty slowly and boring until finally it's done.

You get up and your friends are waiting for you so you join them and head to lunch. You sat down and watched Ron stack his plate with a bunch of food and Hermione watched him. You and Hermione look at each other and burst out laughing. Ron says with his mouth full of food,

"What?" This only makes you guys laughs more and Harry joins you guys laughing. You grab an apple and some butter beer. You are all eating for a little bit when you feel someone staring at you. You look up at Harry but he's talking to Ron. You look around the room and rest your eyes on a grey pair that was already looking at you. You start to feel your cheeks getting pink so you look down at your drink and take a sip. You guys talk for a little longer and you say,

"I'm going to the library, I really need to study potions" Harry smiles and says

"I'll come with, I mean only if you want" you smile because he's not ordering you around anymore.

"Yes thank you" you both stand up and say bye to Ron and Hermione while Ron was looking.

You and Harry walk to the library and sit down at one of the booths, across from each other. You pull out your books and begin working on your homework, Harry doing the same. After a while you break the silence and say,

"Harry?" He looks up and says,

"Yes?" You take a breather and say

"I do like you, but I just want to be friends for right now..." he gets a little sad but then says,

"Because of Malfoy?" You sigh and say

"No I'm going to tell him the same thing. I just want to figure me out first, you know?" You pause and he nods. "I mean I just got here and I already have two great guys who like me and great friends" he nods again at your answer.

"That makes sense, I'm sorry I've been such a dick to you" you giggle a little and say,

"It's okay, thank you for understanding." He nods and you guys finish your work, well most of it. You figured you'd ask Hermione or Malfoy about potions because Harry wasn't good at potions either.

Once you guys got done it was time for your third period. You walked in to see Hermione already there. You smiled at her and take your seat. You say,

"So what happened at lunch after we left?" She blushes and says

"Well we talked and we're going to Hogesmade together" you smile proudly and say,

"Yay! I'm so happy for you guys!" She smiles and says

"Thank you!" You guys start to working on your work like normal you finished and you pulled out your potions book. You look at Hermione and say,

"Hey will you help me with potions?" She chews her lip nervously and says,

"I would but Snape said Malfoy was to tutor you and I really don't feel like getting in trouble" you nod

"Okay thank you though" she smiles and you turn to see a girl all up on Draco kissing him. All you wanted was to just finish your stupid potions work. You roll your eyes and says, "Malfoy?"

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