Chapter 20: potions

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You jump and pull out your wand in the direction the voice came from and sigh putting the wand down when you see who it was

"Geez y/n it's just me"
"Don't do that Hermione I almost hexed you!" You say and she laughs,
"Wait why are you in here anyways?" You ask and she says,

"Well I'm sure as hell not going to let you get a bad grade in potions and I'm definitely not going to let Malfoy 'help you' so come on!" You laugh and hug her,

"Thank you mione" she smiles and says,

"Anything, now come on its already late." You nod and you guys work all night finishing your potions homework. You guys must've fallen asleep because when you woke up to your alarm, your face was resting on a book and Hermione was still in the room.

"Ugh shut it up!" She groans and you laugh, getting up to turn the blaring noise off. "Thank you" she mutters when you finally turn it off. She gets up to leave but before she does you say,

"Thank you again Hermione you have no idea how much that meant to me" she smiles and says,

"Of course y/n" and leave you to go to her dorm, letting you get ready for the day.

You go into your bathroom and take a quick shower, using a spell to dry off your hair once you're done. You it on a black skirt and a cute red sweater and some knee high black socks. Lookin in the mirror, satisfied with yourself, you grab your bag and head out of your room.

You're greeted with your three friends smiling, once you reach them Harry sticks out his hand which you gladly take.

"Good morning" you smile at them,

"Good morning" they reply back

"What took you so long? We're you up all night or something?" Ron ask, laughing

"Yeah. Hermione helped me with my potions homework so we ended up staying up all night" you explained as all of you guys head to the great hall.

"Ahhh okay, we'll make sure to keep you awake in your classes" he laughs nudging your shoulder causing you to laugh too. You guys reach the great hall and your eyes wonder until you find what you're looking for.

Draco's eyes looking at you, you couldn't read him for once. He looked almost, sad? 'I'll talk to him in class' you thought as you brought your eyes back to your friends. You all talked and ate breakfast, you weren't going to eat until Harry dropped your hand, grabbing you a plate. He stacked it with some fruits, toast and jelly, and a couple of other things he figured you'd like. He sets the plate in front of you and you smile

"You know you should really eat more" he says

Ron sets down a glass of juice in front of you and says

"Agreed! I don't know how you eat so little" you laugh

"I eat enough thank you" Hermione and you start laughing, you pick up your fork and start eating some of the fruit Harry put on your plate. You didn't even realize how hungry you were until you tasted the food. 'Must be because I skipped dinner last night' you thought to yourself and continued eating.

You guys all laughed and talked about random stuff when Ron says something about quidditch. You perk your ears and look up at him

"Y/n have you have ever played quidditch?" He ask, taking another bite of his waffle. You nod,

"I used to play with my mum and dad before my mum passed" they all nodded and Harry said,

"Are you going to try out?" You think for a second and say

"Erm I don't know, I'd have to go out on the field and see how rusty I am. I haven't played in a while" Hermione now chimes in and says,

"I think it'd be a good distraction" Ron nods agreeing

"We can go after classes today and practice if you want" you nod and smile,

"I'd like that a lot"

"Great so it's decided" Harry smiles. You all continue to talk until breakfast is finally over.

You all walk to first period. You take a breather and walk into the class seeing that Draco isn't there yet. You sigh in relief and take your seat. The peace and quiet doesn't last long when a bag drops by the seat beside you. You look up to see Malfoy and he gives you a small smile which you return.

"Y/n about the other day," he starts but you stop him,

"Can we not talk about it? I know you didn't mean to and it's done with" he sighs but nods, after a couple moments of silence he says,

"I am sorry though, I really didn't meant to and I know that's no excuse" you turn to look at him and say

"Draco, really, it's fine." You give him a small smile and he says,

"So it's Draco now?" You flush pink and are about to answer when Snape walks in. 'Thank you Merlin' you thought because you didn't have to answer Draco's question.

"Turn to page 385" he states, he's in a mood. But then again when isn't he in a mood. Draco sighs but pulls out his book turning to the correct page. Class runs smoothly, other than Neville blowing up his potions. You're writing your report on the potions you guys just made when a piece of parchment paper slid in front of your desk. You picked it up and read,

"Meet me at the astronomy tower tonight" you read it and looked up at Draco who was trying to hard to look busy so you know it was from him. He looks at you and back at the note, you sigh and whisper,

"I don't know..." he looks up at you and says,

"Please y/n-" he doesn't even get halfway through your name when a book hits him on the back of his head. You put your hand in your mouth trying not to laugh. Draco rubs the back of his head and says,

"Ow! That hurt!" Snape just looks at him and smacks his head again, causing you to laugh. Snape looks at you and says,

"Something funny miss y/l/n?" You shake your head,

"No sir," you nod and Snape walks to the front of the classroom. You bite your lip trying not to laugh again but let out a quiet giggle at Draco who's still rubbing his head from the assault. He looks at you and says,

"Haha very funny" you laugh quietly and say,

"It was quite funny" he smiles a little and you get back to your essay. Draco ends up helping you halfway through it because you didn't understand the questions and after all he walk supposed to 'tutor you'. The bell finally rings and you walk out of the class. You only get a couple feet when you hear someone call your name,

"Y/n" they said in a low, angry tone. You too and turn around, immediately guilt fills your body as they approach you.


THANK YOU FOR 30K READS also I love love love reading your comments so keep them coming.

Also sorry I didn't upload yesterday I couldn't get my phone lol let alone type a whole chapter:)

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