Chapter 19: calm down!

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"You may have promised her but I didn't." He runs out of the room,
"RON!" You guys shout at him, running after him as fast as you could. You all run out of the common room and Hermione yells after him,

"Ron if you don't stop I will not hesitate to use the petrified spell on you!" But he doesn't stop until he finds his target. Still sitting in the great hall, talking to pug face- I mean Pansy. He marched right up to him and before he can do anything you say,

"Ronald Weasley, take another step and I will not talk to you ever again!" You make sure to say it loud and clearly so he has no excuse for not hearing you. He stops but doesn't turn around until Hermione says softly,

"Ron please" he turns around and says,

"You too! Why are you guys defending him?!" He shouts and you are a little taken back, you've never seen him mad before, tears form in your eyes but you refuse to let anyone see them. Ron walks up to you to where he's almost touching you, "y/n he hurt you!" He shouts loudly and a tear finally drops from your face but you quickly wipe it.

"I know Ron but he didn't mean to and you'll only get in more trouble." Malfoy then tried to stand up, obviously confused and trying to get pug face- *cough* Pansy... off of him, she's clinging onto him like a leech. When he finally gets her off of him he says,

"What's going on?" You hide your now very bruised wrist with your sleeve just wanting this whole thing to go away. Luckily there were only 2 Hufflepuffs in here but they quickly left so it was just you guys. Ron turns back around to Malfoy and takes another step but you grab his robes, tugging, trying to make him stop.

"I'll tell you what's going on" Ron quickly grabs your arm that was pulling on his robed and rolls your sweatshirt up showing him the bruising, causing you to whimper in pain but you quickly hide it. You snatch your arm out of his grip hoping that nobody else saw it but it was too late. Malfoy had obviously seen it and was looking at you sorry and confused. Pug face- I mean Pansy (geez I keep messing that up... whoops) on the other hand was snickering her ugly laugh. You look back at Harry with pleading eyes, he nods and says,

"Come on mate let's just go he's not worth it" he puts his hand on Ron's shoulder but Ron shakes him off.

"Y/n you're my best friend. I'm not going to let someone hurt you and get away with it." He says looking at you, a tear dropping from his eye. Hermione finally speaks up and says,

"Ron we are all very mad with Malfoy." She shoots him a look "but you can obviously tell by his face he didn't know that he did that like y/n said, so there's no reason for further action and get you expelled!" You nod agreeing, you were starting to loose patience with this whole situation but you were trying to stay calm. Ron looks at you and can see how stressed you are, biting your lip and pinching you skin on your neck. Harry looks over and puts his hand to yours that's harming your neck and slowly pulls it away from your red neck. Keeping your hand in his puts them by your sides. Malfoy sees this and gets mad but doesn't always anything, not wanting to make Ron explode. Ron takes a deep breath and nods agreeing. You let out a breath you didn't know you were holding and say

"Thank you" Ron swiftly turns to Malfoy taking a step closer to him and spits at him,

"But if you ever, and I mean EVER hurt her again in any way I will hurt you" and with that Ron turns away walking out of the great hall. (what I drama king... but a cute one👀) Hermione quickly runs after him and you and Harry start to walk to the exit still hand in hand.

"Y/n..." you hear, you look over your shoulder to see Malfoy walking up to you but you say softly,

"Please don't... not tonight" you're exhausted, he just silently nods and you walk out with Harry. He gives your hand a reassuring squeeze and you look up at him and give him a sad smile. Once you leave the doors you rest your head in Harry's shoulder. After walking for a little you break the silence,

"Do you think Ron's going to be mad at me?" He thinks for a second and says,

"No, I think he'll be a little upset but not at you" you smile a little and say,

"Gosh can I just ever have one normal day?" He laughs, shaking his head.

"Nope, not around here anyways," you bump into his shoulder laughing. Once you get to the common room you take a breath before actually walking in. Once you walk in you see Ron and nervously walk up to him. He stands up when he sees you and hugs you tightly. You smile and wrap your arms around him, putting your head on his shoulder.

"I'm sorry y/n, but I'm not sorry, I still wish I could go back and beat up the little git" you laugh and say

"It's okay, thank you for sticking up for me Ron. But you know I can take care of myself right?" He smiles and lightly chuckles,

"Yes I do" you smile and says

"Good!" You kiss his cheek in a friendly way and say, "goodnight Ron!" He smiles and says

"Night y/n" you laugh and walk into your dorm. You lay on your bed and let out a big sigh when you hear a voice. You jump up and pull out your wand in the direction the voice came from and sigh putting the wand down when you see who it was,

"Geez y/n it's just me"
So my parents r kinda crazy and I got grounded because I said "sure" wrong LMFAO. but I'll try to sneak and upload once a day like normal. I'm sorry loves 🥺💛

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