Chapter 7 - Subtle Questions

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| Savanna |

Okay so let's calculate shall we?

I was obsessing over Jason McCann.

That's all, thank you for coming to my Ted talk.

But for real. I was undeniably infatuated by Jason and I was too afraid to even say that out loud. So therefore, I kept it safe in my mind. I thought about him way too much, more than I imagined. It wasn't creepy, I just couldn't get the feeling of his touch, the way his hands roamed my body as if it were his to play with, the way he could look me in the eye and know I wasn't going to be able to finish my sentence because I was that... intoxicated I guess. It was a feeling I had never felt before, I had never been touched or spoken to the way Jason touched or spoke to me. He was dangerous and the worst part about that was exactly that, I knew he was dangerous yet here I was, listing all the things that drove me crazy about him.

The worst part was, I had no idea who he really was, where he came from, if he even lived in this city for all I know. He seemed to be a private man and I obviously couldn't ask my dad about him because that would just be too risky so that only meant one thing.

My mom would have to be my informant.

I looked around my home for her, she liked to try different recipes in her spare time; they didn't always work out but she kept going and that is why I looked up to her. I think my dad would give up before my mom ever would, and that is surprising considering my dads life and all.

Indeed, I found her in the kitchen watching the small screen that came up from the countertop and you could just press a button and it would slide right down again and out of the way. Handy for my mom of course.

She was watching it closely as well as chopping some vegetables up.

"Hey mama, what are you doing?" I asked even though I could clearly see what she was doing, my voice cheery as I approached her. "Hello chicka, I'm trying out this new recipe, it's not going well by the looks of it though" she explained.

"That's probably because your brain is literally filled with all of the other recipes you have somehow learnt" I replied, complimenting her in a subtle way as I stole a carrot and went and sat opposite her on the bar stool.

"That's very kind of you my love" she said as she paused the show she was watching in order to catch up.

"So is there anything new going on? I've never seen the place so quiet" This was subtle, right?

She shrugged, "Not that I know off, you can ask your father if you want to" She simply said making me slowly nod. Not helpful advice mom, if I ask my dad questions about Jason McCann, I doubt he will ever let him come back to this house. He was an expert in reading people, that why he was so good at what he did.

"Well will there be any more guests joining us for dinner? You know, like the other night"

She looked up at me with raised brows and amusement. I knew that look.

"¿Crees que puedes mentrime, carinõ? ¿Qué pasa? (You think you can lie to me baby? What's going on?)" She did that thing which all Hispanic moms did I think, shifting their weight on to one hip, knife in one hand and one hand on their hip.

"Nada, mama! (Nothing, mom!) I'm just trying to prepare myself for next time, if there is going to be another time somebody comes for dinner, you know?" I continued, but this time I lied a little better.

She narrowed her eyes at me before pursing her lips, "You're wondering about Jason McCann aren't you? You find him hot hm?" Mt eyes widened instantly as her words, "Shh! Mom, you can't talk that loudly!" I hushed as I realised anybody could be listening. She literally said his full name.

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