Chapter 19 - Girls Support Girls

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| Savanna |

I was honestly a lost cause. I was simping over Jason and every other second revolved around him annoyingly, I didn't even try and fight it, I just let him do what he wanted. Literally take over my life for free. I was tired of trying to get some kind of reaction out of him, I was tired of finding him with a new girl and acting like he was being unfaithful to me. I was nobody to him, we weren't in a relationship, it was nothing and here I was always acting like an idiot and acting like he owed something to me.

He owed me nothing.

It was now the evening. I had a pretty boring day at college and I was in desperate need of completing an assignment so instead of going home; Jason's home, I decided to stay on campus and complete it considering I had my computer already with me. I spent a while in the courtyard but as it got darker, I switched to the library where I continued to complete the assignment that first began with 1 word and now was completed. I walked towards the exit, making my way out and towards the SUV parked in its usual spot waiting for me before I heard my name being called. I turned around to see Liam approaching me, a smile plastered on his face showing of his pearly whites.

"Oh hey Liam, I didn't know you were still here" I spoke as we greeted each other with a hug.

"I had practice, hence the fucked up hair" He chuckled as he messed with his already messy hair. It was a little wet which was probably sweat but hey, he still looked hot.

"What are you still doing here? Alone?" He asked.

"I had to finish an assignment and I thought I'd be able to do it in peace considering none of my friends were on campus today" I told him making him chuckle, nodding his head in agreement. "Well I'm glad I caught you on your way out," he paused before he bit down on his bottom lip with a look of hesitance on his face. I frowned tilting my head to the side as I looked at him with a little confusion, "Everything okay?" I asked adding a little laugh at the end to add to the silence.

"No, yeah, everything is good. I'm just tryna figure out if this is a good time to ask you out"

I thought when this moment came I'd be eager to say yes, because I liked Liam, he was nice to me and although, he did portray himself to hold the usual jock demeanour, he was very much a gentleman to me. It was clear he liked me and since he was asking me out, he wanted to get to know me on a different level which is what I thought I wanted. But, the annoying but that always got in the way, my mind could not find joy in dating Liam when all I could think about was Jason and the girl he was enjoying his time with. I sounded crazy, I know, but it definitely hurt me more than I let on.

I didn't realise I had literally gone quiet whilst thinking of Jason because Liam looked down at me with a look of confusion, instantly making shake my head slightly; not enough for him to notice and think I was crazy.

"A date?" I asked. I was so stupid, a date? Really Savanna? Of course he meant a date!

He chuckled looking at me with amusement, "Yes Sav, a date" he didn't seem phased by my weird pause which was good, I didn't want to have to explain why I had to stop and think about another male whilst he was waiting for me to talk.

Without allowing another second go by; mainly because I did not want to go back to thinking about him.

"Sure" I simply said, it was enough for him to smile before nodding. "Cool, imma text you aight?" He asked, raising his brow at me making me smile nodding.

He then leaned down and kissed me on my cheek before whispering a bye, leaving in the opposite direction. It was nice, it was normal for a 19 year old, this was normal. Not running after a criminal who's life revolved around making money and women... crime.

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