Chapter 41 -Sus Plans

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| Savanna |

My day dragged slightly just because when I went back to class after my serious talk with my girls, I couldn't stop thinking about what my life had come down to in such a short amount of time.

I was arguing with my parents over something that had been decided such a long time ago and was no longer going to even happen. I knew I couldn't stay angry with them for long because I needed them and they needed me, I respected them too much to be a brat at a time like this when I knew how hard they worked to keep me safe. Sure, I was upset that I had to find out something so big by myself, but it had happened now, I couldn't stay mad forever.

But, we all knew that was just the beginning of my problems.

I could not stop thinking about whatever it was that I had with Jason. I know I had fallen for him, I knew that now, but that was what made this all so difficult. I could speak to my mom about anything and everything, from friendship problems to my literal sex life, I knew I could rant to my mom about it. This was something I knew would be completely crossing the line because it was so severely shunned upon. I know my mom knew I found Jason attractive, that wasn't so ludicrous, it was the thought of me actually acting on my feelings that was going to be endgame. I had fallen for a criminal and it had happened right under my parents noses.

If they were to ever find out, they would automatically assume that I was messing around with Jason the entire time of me living with him which couldn't be further from the truth. If anything, Jason was the most distant with me at that time because he knew he had a role to play and as I said, crime was Jason's life, he was going to stick to the rules and play the role he needed to play to benefit himself.

I almost had to beg for his attention.

But in the end, I had fallen for him despite the horrible way he treated me, and him? Well I wasn't completely sure. I knew one thing though, I knew Jason had never ever spoken to a female the way he spoke to me, the way he looked at me or even looked after me, I was the first.

And it felt so good.

On top of all of this, Jason and I had sex. He was my first and I couldn't imagine it to be with anybody else because I honestly don't think he had ever been so passionate with anybody else; at least I hoped he hadn't. He did mention that he had never felt this way for anyone else which only made sex with him so much better, that and the fact that he was so good at it. From the way he kissed my lips to the way his fingertips danced on my skin, he was perfect with it.

And that is exactly why this was the most adventurous my life had ever been, in such a short amount of time too.

I walked in to my home again, yawning as I felt the tiredness from earlier creep up on me again but I already knew I wasn't going to get my nap time with the amount of work I had to do for college. I was slacking, massively; my life hadn't been the best for my student life recently as you can probably imagine.

I quickly looked up as I passed my dads office hearing my name being called. I slowly walked towards his office where the double doors were wide open which wasn't common as he always kept his office doors closed for privacy reasons. He obviously kept important information in there and didn't want outsiders to have easy access to said information.

I walked in anyway as it was my dads voice after all, I expected it to be just him sat at his desk, potentially with one of his men, asking me how my day was despite our argument but instead, I was greeted with a lot more.

My dad sat at his desk chair with my mom stood next to him. Opposite my dad sat two very familiar men and on the opposite couch near my mom were Sammy and three other men I wasn't sure of.

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