Chapter 11 - Changes

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| Savanna |

Jason followed me out of my home, I could feel him close behind but not suspiciously close as we were still in eye view of my parents but as soon as he closed the door behind us, I was quick to turn and look at him.

"Wh-why are you even here? Helping?" I asked making him stop in his tracks.

"We should leave, now" He replied before turning away again, not even giving me a second of eye contact. "I asked you a question" I continued.

"And I answered it in my own way. You can either come with me now or you stay here and let the bitches who fucked with you tonight, fuck with you again" His tone of voice was different, the way he looked at me was different, he was acting as if I was a complete stranger; or someone he truly disliked.

Instead of arguing in front of my house, I accepted and walked ahead to where his car was parked. I reached over to open the door only for his hand to now cover the handle, I looked up at him with a blank look as he opened the door for me.

He was so strange.

I got in to the car anyway without saying a word because that's exactly what he wanted, for me to shutup and follow his stupid rules.

Just like everybody else, following their rules and keeping quiet about it.

He got in to the car and within seconds, he zoomed out of the driveway and down our street. This was a residential area and it was way past midnight, the sound of his loud engine alone was going to frustrate our neighbours. But I don't think he cared about that.

Breaking the uncomfortable silence, I heard an iphone ringtone. I frowned as I realised I no longer had my phone with me which gave me a mini heart attack. A few rings later I saw Jason reach over me, still driving like a maniac, opening the glovebox and taking out my phone before handing it to me.

I didn't ask any questions as I saw my moms caller ID and I knew if I didn't answer it, she'd send a rescue team out to find out if I was okay. I know, crazy but very true.

"Why do you take so long to answer your phone mija, you don't deserve a phone" She said almost instantly making me smile shaking my head. No matter what the situation was, she was always her crazy self. "I'm sorry mom I-"

"Forget that, ¿Te ha hecho daño ese idiota? Será mejor que me digas que incluso intenta tocarte a Savanna" (Has that idiot hurt you? You better tell me if he even tries to touch you Savanna- Spanish) She did realise I was still in the car with him right? Good thing I knew Spanish.

"Todo está bien mamá, no te preocupes (Everything is okay mama, don't worry)"

"Llámame en cuanto llegues a su casa. Compruebe su habitación para las cámaras , su padre puede confiar en él, pero es demasiado atractivo para ser inocente (You better call me as soon as you get to his house. Check your room for any cameras, your father may trust him but he's too attractive to be innocent)" My eyes widened at her words, thank god Jason didn't understand Spanish because her voice was loud enough to be heard without speaker.

"¿Cámaras? Mamá, estás siendo paranoica. Luego te llamo, te quiero (cameras? Mama, you're being paranoid. I'll call you later, love you)" I couldn't help but laugh at the way she said 'love you' back before ending the call.

As you can see, i am more like my dad in terms of being an introvert, I guess.

I shifted in my seat before shoving my phone in to my back pocket.

"Your mother is more worried than you, clearly" Jason spoke up making me quickly look over at him, he understood?

"What do you mean?" I asked. "You understood that?" I continued as he looked at me with a look of amusement. "You ain't the only one who knows another language" He said simply.

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