Chapter 20 - Party Girls

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| Savanna |

I looked at myself in the mirror, I had to scan myself from head to toe, analyse every inch of my body and face just to make sure I didn't look majorly unattractive. I had to tell myself 'I am a baddie' before I left the house otherwise I would just simply not show my face, ever, anywhere. The dress was flattering on my body, I hadn't worn it before but I had many similar, if anything, it was just your typical little black dress, but as I said, it fit well and focused on my curves in the best way possible. At least, I thought it did.

I left the bathroom before stepping ahead of Andrea who was busy on her phone. She looked up before instantly smiling, with teeth, before standing up.

"Fantastic! You're so hot! Now let's go!" She exclaimed, grabbing my hand to drag me out. I however, stopped her, "I can't get in to any trouble Andrea, and I don't want you to either, are you sure this is okay?" I asked.

I trusted Andrea but I also knew I was not invited to this party. There was no way on earth Jason was allowing me to attend, especially in this outfit, maybe a long ass trash bag, but not this. I also knew if Jason wanted me there, he would have escorted me there himself, having me by his side and eyes on me at all times, not sneakily with Andrea who honestly was acting a little tipsy already.

"Dude, just relax, it's gonna be good, trust me"

I had to pause for a few seconds, I had to measure up the pros and cons and really think about this decision.

But then the side of me that disliked Jason popped out and I looked down at my outfit, my heels that wrapped around my ankles and lower calves that always made me feel superior, my whole look, and I thought, Jason who?

As for my parents, the safest place for me to party had to be with Jason McCann himself right? And his friends of course who seemed to be protecting me too.

"Fine" and with that, she dragged me out of my room and finally, out of the house.

We got in to her car, it was a white G Wagon with her name as the licence plate; she of course gave me a whole break down on why this car was the best thing that ever happened to her, on the way to the party, to which I responded with words of excitement for her, even though I was genuinely getting more and more nervous the more time went by.

Eventually, we arrived in front of a large house. It wasn't as big as Jason's but it definitely was one of those million dollar homes that had like 6 pools and a helicopter in the yard.

My dad was sometimes victim of that lifestyle but my mom and I always humbled him, otherwise we indeed would have helipads and golf courses surrounding our home.

"Wait, who's party is this?" I asked, stopping her from just hopping out and partying.

"So this dude is like hella rich, he's known Jason for a while and Jason always be doing favours for him; I think the dude was good to his brother so he feels like he owes him Im guessing... I ain't too sure, but," she paused, glancing out of the window and back at me again. "You're safe but... just don't wander off. I can't help you if i can't see you"

I looked at her with worry. This wasn't normal. I didn't need to be given a disclaimer before attending the parties I was used to, we were safe and we knew that because the people we surrounded ourselves were normal. I then remembered I wasn't exactly attending a frat party, this was very much a Jason McCann party, and clearly not anything like the one I attended with him as a punishment, that place was a literal trap house and it took me this long to figure that out.

"Relax, i know you got that cake that jiggles so just shake it and have fun" She winked before hopping out of the car. I looked ahead and out the windshield window, looking up at the house that stood tall, blasting music, sports cars lining up outside and never ending people joining the people. I took a deep breath before stepping out of the car and following Andrea who confidently walked up the steps, linking arms with me as we entered the house.

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