Chapter 13 - Escape Plan

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| Savanna |

The car ride was silent apart from the one minute phone call he had using code words so that I didn't understand anything; he also spoke in mumbles so it was hard to understand his replies. As usual, he drove like a race car driver just a lot more reckless than one, not caring about a single thing, not even pedestrians. He pulled up at the car park of the main building, students flooding the courtyard and main building area probably rushing to get to their classes; I was always late, no matter how I tried, I was late.

"Thanks-" I went to pull the handle open to get out without more interaction only to have him stop me by placing his hand on my thigh, gripping on to it tightly and turning his head to look to me, his eyes piercing in to mine. I just knew he was about to threaten me and I was going to die because I was enjoying his aggression; feel free to literally throw me in to a pool of holy water because something was definitely up with me, spiritually. I know he was meant to be all mad but this was such a turn on, annoyingly. "I got people watching you, don't leave the building doing your own shit. Understand?" I know he was just trying to scare me and it was working but it was almost impossible to take him seriously when he looked so attractive. I slowly nodded looking in to his eyes, big mistake because it made me want to stay, kiss him, anything.

"Can I go?" I asked.

He let go of my thigh before he reached in to his backseat, pulling out a piece of clothing out of no where. He placed it in my lap making me look down at it, I picked up to realise it was yet another sweatshirt of his, this one was without a hood so he was switching up his ways of covering me up I guess.

I wondered why he had a literal closet on standby in his backseat.

"I gotta start keeping my shit with me just in case you think you can trip with your outfits like that." He answered my question for me. I couldn't understand how he could speak so casually, and what he said wasn't exactly music to my ears, it was literal threats and controlling words. But, he just sat there lazily, head resting back and casually looking over at me as he watched me.

"So I'm supposed to wear this because you don't approve of my outfit?" I asked, dumb question because he gave me the 'you're dumb' look with a hint of his famous eye squint that made me feel even more dumb.

"What you think?"

I rolled my eyes before pulling on the sweatshirt, it was definitely going to be oversized but it wasn't big enough to completely cover me, it was literally the same fit of my dress, just a little shorter which defeated the purpose of covering up but whatever floated his weird boat.

"You know this is literally the same length as my dress?" I asked. I didn't care if I sounded annoying, he was annoying.

"Is your ass covered?" I just rolled my eyes at him, which was a mistake.

He suddenly reached out and grabbed my face in his large hand, forcing me to look at him, "Don't you ever roll your eyes at me again." He said, his voice deep and quiet as he looked down at my lips.

I feel like at this point he just wanted to control me, and my stupid ass was letting him despite knowing this was wrong.

I moved my face out of his hand before giving him one last look and getting out of the car, finally. I walked away knowing he was watching me, I looked ahead to see Liam in the distance who had noticed me, making his way over to me. I smirked to myself as he opened up his arms for me to hug him which was pretty normal, but knowing Mr McCann was watching, it made it all a little better as I hugged the tall blonde ahead of me.

"Lookin good Sav, I'm liking the sweatshirt with a... dress?" He said as he pointed to the bottom of my dress that peaked out the bottom of Jason's sweatshirt. "Yeah... it felt a little cold when I left home today so I threw it on" I replied, lying clearly.

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