Chapter 40 - Forbidden Love

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| Savanna |

I sat through my fourth class and I honestly could have sworn I had fallen asleep a total of 5 times. Not only was I insanely exhausted today, the class I was in was so pointless and unnecessary, even the professor looked like he didn't want to be here as he sat at the desk waiting for this stupid documentary to be over that played on the bit screen burning my already tired eyes.

I sounded like an elderly lady with cataracts.

My attention turned from my notepad which I was currently writing my name on over and over in different fonts, to my phone as it lit up.

iMessage : Zar 🐭
'Look at the door!'

I quickly looked over at the door to see my three crazy best friends peaking through the small rectangular bit of glass in the door. My eyes widened as they literally fought each other just to catch a glimpse of me through the glass as I saw Spenc motioning me to come out with her hand. I glanced over at the professor who's eyes were slowly closing which was a total mood before I looked over at them, nodding in defeat.

I looked around to see people in my class had also noticed the free psychos at the door and they probably wished to be out there too. I quietly grabbed my books and belongings before I tip toed out; the professor hadn't even noticed but even if he did, he wouldn't be able to say anything as students were able to leave class whenever they wanted,

The best part of college.

"Yay!" Spenc exclaimed as they each jumped on me as soon as I had closed the door behind me.

"You guys are crazy, shouldn't you be in class too?" I asked as I looked at each of them. "Actually we don't have class right now, you were the only one with one and lookie, you're out" Zara explained, seeming pretty proud of her words as she nodded along with what she was saying.

I laughed, shrugging, I didn't feel bad about missing this class only because it was a total waste of time as previously mentioned and also, I deserved a break.

"So what are we doing?" I asked as I began to walk but soon stopping realising they weren't following. I turned around looking at them with a frown of confusion, "What?" I asked, tilting my head to the side.

"You ain't got nothin to share?" Nance asked making me look over at her, instantly knowing what she was talking about.

"They know?" I whispered despite them being right there, listening with looks of amusement on their face. "We know!" Zara and Spencer both exclaimed before they leaped on to me in joy making me even more confused.

"I'm confused, you guys are celebrating Nance and I being kidnapped by the psycho that had a crush on Jason and a vengeance against my dad?" I asked as they peeled themselves off of me.

"We're celebrating because our girl got fuckin laid! And that too by Jason fucking McCann!" Spencer couldn't have been more loud with her words. "Dude! Oh my god you guys are so loud I can't-" I said as I turned around, attempting to escape as the people around us began to stare, heavily.

"No bitch, you ain't gettin outta this one," I felt Nance pull me back before pushing me along with them in the opposite direction. "You ain't gettin outta this one baby girl, you spillin the tea" With that, they literally forced me down the staircase on to the second floor. We walked down the hallway before Nance stopped at a door, opening it before peering in; probably to check if anybody was in there before they all pushed me in.

"Am I being kidnapped again? I can't deal with that again" I joked as Spenc shut the door behind her before they each stood in front of me.

"Shut up and spill, how the fuck did you get past your parents with those?!" Zara asked as she moved my hair exposing my neck. I gave her a look of worry, "You can see them?!" I said, panic in my voice as I pulled my phone out and swiped to the front camera to have a look at my neck. Although, the concealer had faded a little just because of my clothing and the fact that it had been a few hours since I had applied it, they weren't massively visible.

"Stop avoiding the question. You know how this goes, you're the last virgin of the group, you have to share your first time, especially now that your first time was with McCann" Zara continued as the girls nodded in agreement.

I sighed as they each sat down on either the chairs or the tables, watching me as if I were a movie.

"What do you want me to say? I had sex" I told them, not as much enthusiasm in my voice.

"No shit, Sherlock" Nance said bluntly.

"Aren't you guys more interested in the fact that our girl over here was taken last night? That too after partying with Colton?" I asked with raised brows. "Oh girl, don't you worry bout that, Nance gave us a descriptive story of her 'survival' story. She really thinks she's James's Bond or sum" Spenc explained making me laugh aloud remembering how unexpectedly in to it Nancy was.

"Well... I left Nances' place to meet him, the address was his penthouse, one of many I'm guessing and well... let's just say he didn't call me there to talk" I told them, they each looked so excited, it was actually cute how excited they were for me. I was feeling pretty bad about myself all morning thinking I had made a mistake, thinking I had acted like a little girl scurrying out of his place like that, but they definitely knew how to cheer me up and make me feel better about myself.

"I know he's big, I just know it" Nance announced making my eyes widen, I could feel myself getting red and I didn't even know why.

"And painful" I commented making them laugh.

"Dude did he eat you? Look at that!" Spenc said as she pushed up my top to reveal the dark spots on my stomach instantly making my eyes widen, Jason had a mouth on him, it was impossible to forget how good he was with it. "Has he got a sibling maybe? I don't mind toxic, I just wanna experience that" Nance muttered as she looked at my hickeys before I quickly covered them with my shirt again as the girls laughed.

"My parents cannot find out about this. I will be roasted alive and eaten for thanksgiving dinner, they think I crashed at your place last night" I explained making them snigger, "You definitely did not crash with Nance last night" Zara said before they all started laughing.

"But what do you mean your parents can't find out about this bro? You like him, how can you give that up?" Spenc asked making me instantly sigh, 'the feelings' talk, it was never my favourite when it came to Jason because it was all so complicated, he was so complicated. "I don't know... I have never felt this way for anybody, and I know he feels it back it's just... he's Jason McCann guys, his life is 80% crime, it's like a part of him" I explained as they slowly nodded, looks of defeat and sadness to their face.

"What do you mean you've never felt this way before?" Nance asked.

"You know that feeling you get when you have been waiting for something for so long, and you finally get to experience it? This was that for me. I didn't expect to want somebody so bad, I didn't expect to think about somebody so much... and it's almost like I was waiting for something that I didn't ever expect to happen. Out of all people? I fall for Jason McCann? Tell me that isn't unexpected," I paused as they each nodded,

"I hate this because I know I can't do anything about it... I just had to wait it out, but it was so hard when I just wanted him so badly."

I craved him, badly.

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