Chapter 42 - Ride with you

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| Savanna |

It actually made no sense to me how my father had thought of this plan and then included Jason in to it, either he really trusted Jason or he just was losing his mind as he grew older, one of the two. I guess Jason was well known though, when people heard his name almost all of them had the same reaction; fear and panic. Of course, I didn't go around screaming his name from the rooftops because that would inevitably get me killed however, when anybody else mentioned it it was like the name was forbidden.

The J M word.

I didn't find it sus that my parents wanted me to come to the club with them, I know this sounded a little alien because who parties with their parents especially when they are so over protective but, because it was a club my dad owned and we were most likely going to be sat in a VIP room for the night, this was nothing ludicrous honestly. I had been to the clubs with them before on opening nights or just in general, we stayed in one room, I never got to go to the dance floor and I almost never got to have a drink of alcohol.

So I was basically napping in the corner all dressed up.

But, this was no average club experience. Not only were we meeting with the people who were behind this all, I was having to attend with Jason as my 'partner' I guess. Did Jason really pose that big of a threat to our enemies? I know he was feared but there were scary people out there who I imagined not to be scared of many, just like how Jason feared nobody. However, my dad was insanely smart and he knew what he was doing when he had a plan and with the help of Jason, I'm assuming they had mastered their plan.

What could go wrong right?

I was nervous because I didn't know how to act around Jason. When I made eye contact with him I felt goosebumps on my body from how shy I felt, it was the fact that he had just seen me naked last night and I was a little shy about it. Not only that, but he looked at me more intensely now; as if he was wanted to rip my clothes off then and there. Jason always eyed me up and down, no matter what I was wearing he wouldn't hesitate to check me out but my god was it an intimidation trick to say the least.

He had me under a spell, I'm not even kidding, the man made me weak through.

Anyway, enough of the extreme dwelling on my families somewhat crazy choices lately and most of all, Jason, the night soon fell upon us and the knock at my door followed by my moms voice meant that we would be leaving soon.

My mom opened the door before stepping in, she looked over at me as I sat on my floor, resting against my bed with my computer on the ground and notepad resting against my legs.

"Please tell me you're not mad mad at me?" She asked as she slowly shut the door behind her.

"I'm not mad at you mom, I never really was I guess" I responded, looking over at her as she sighed almost in relief. "Good because I hate not talking to my little mini me" My mom always said to people that I was a mini her because when I was younger I was GLUED to her. I copied everything she did, when she put her swimsuit on to get in the pool, so did I. When she was curling her hair, so was I, I just thought she was so powerful and cool I wanted to be her. Now that I'm older, I don't copy everything she does because that would be childlike of me but I couldn't lie, I still looked up to her more than ever.

"But that doesn't mean I like what you guys did" I reminded her as she came and sat next to me on the floor.

"I know I know and that is why your father and I haven't exactly argued with you on this one, we understand and just because we are parents doesn't mean we can't make mistakes" She continued as she raised her brows making me slowly nod. "I understand" setting my notepad down.

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