Chapter 26 - Bad Boy Gone Good

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| Savanna |

"There she is!"

The voices that approached me were the same that were stood with Andrea, enjoying the pain they caused me, the pain they brought upon Jason. I felt something scraping against my wound but it was so dark, I couldn't figure out what it was exactly, only that it hurt like hell. My head still hurt and pounded, my body still ached and wanted nothing more but to rest but the shock of pain kept me awake.

Lights flashed on me as 3 men towered over me like I was some kind of animal they had just shot dead for fun. They shined their flash lights on me forcing me to cover my eyes, shielding them from the bright lights that blinded me. "Get her up and bring her back to the warehouse, now." One of the men angrily spoke before storming back to the building.

The two remaining men pulled me up aggressively, gripping on to me tightly before dragging me out of the woodland area and back in to the building where they literally threw me on to the ground. I whimpered in pain as my body shook from pain, I dragged my leg along with me as it was limp, trying to sit up without moving it as much.

I felt a hand grab my face, forcing me to look at them roughly, "You think you can get away that easily huh?" One of the men asked, they seemed to be multiplying and I now knew none of their names. Jay was gone and Rob was dead. Tears left my eyes slowly as the man glared at me, "Dumb bitch." He spat before shoving me back harshly making my body roll on to its side a little. Just when I thought I had avoided my leg, I rolled right on to it making me feel excruciating pain.

"McCann! This is your last fucking chance..." I heard one of the men yell followed by the sound of a gunshot going off, extremely close to me, making me yell in fright.

"The next bullet is going in her." He ended as I slowly turned around, looking ahead at the men watching me. They all looked so angry, as if I had personally attacked them, or, as if I was the one holding them hostage.

Not long after, the sound of footsteps was heard which alerted all of us to turn and look over at the entrance, Jason walked in but he was not alone. He was holding on to Andrea by her neck, literally dragging her with him as he held a gun to her head. Instantly, the men who were with me held their guns up and aimed it at Jason.

"Put your guns down boys." Andrea spoke, a little fear in her voice.

The men slowly put their guns down, but not completely dropping them as they knew they couldn't be completely unarmed.

"Get the fuck away from her," Jason spoke, looking at the two men who were closer to me than the others. They backed away from me, anger clearly on their faces as they looked at one another in almost defeat. "Let her go, if you hurt her you think we lettin your girl go?" One of the men spoke up as he referred to Andrea who was still in Jason's grip.

"You ain't touching her, you pussy's want money, you ain't tryna be killed by Mafia" Jason explained, almost teasing these men who were definitely getting mad about it.

"Oh yeah?" The man who slapped me literally a couple minutes ago, spoke. "I'm getting fuckin tired of runnin shit." He ended, quickly making his way to me, pointing his gun at my head as I sat on the ground, trembling at the sight of the gun pointing at me.

"Let my sister go, and step the fuck away, I ain't fucking with you." Sister? Were all of these men related to Andrea or something? Jason looked down at me and at the gun that was being pointed at me, I looked back to see the three other men were now pointing their guns at me, I was genuinely terrified.

Jason slowly stepped back, letting go of Andrea who quickly got away from Jason and met the rest of her weirdly related relatives, one passed her a gun and she was quick to grab it.

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