Chapter 34 - Finding You

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| Savanna |

"That was too easy, Nance" I whispered, turning back to look at her.

I could see the look on her face, I knew she had no idea what to do and as tough as she was, she was fearful. I shook my head, taking a deep breath as I looked back at the creek in the door, the only escape.

"I got this." I spoke, mostly to myself. I opened it a little more, enough for me to step out a little and peek at whatever was out there. To my surprise, we were outdoors. I frowned, stepping out a little to get a good look at my surroundings, the cold night time air hit my exposed legs making me instantly regret wearing a stupid pair of cycling shorts. There were street lights standing tall, scattered around the area we were in, large containers almost surrounding us making me step even further to take a look at what we we were being held in.

It was a literal container, the type you put on a cargo ship and send overseas.

My eyes widened, I ran back inside before grabbing on to Nances' hand, pulling her out with me. "What are we doing? We don't know where anybody is!" She said in a hushed whisper as I slowly backed us away from the container.

"Do you know what this is? Nance? It's a container used for transportation overseas by ships, we weren't getting out of there anytime soon..." I trailed off as I looked around us, making sure nobody was around.

It was too quiet.

"They were going to what?" I could hear the anger in her voice but right now, I was focused on one thing and one thing only. A way out.

"We need to find a way out of here, now. I don't like how quiet it is."

It was like the word 'quiet' was some kind of trigger because as soon as I said it, the sounds of gun shots were heard in all directions, it was hard to determine where was safe.

"Run!" With held hands, Nance and I ran past the container we were being held in. As we ran past and towards the back of it, I caught a quick glance at the huge sticker that read something. I quickly stopped, tilting my head to the side as I heard Nance in the back screaming for me to join her.

'Transit to: Rome, Lazio'

I didn't really know why that piece of information felt so valuable to me. The container we were in was being shipped to Rome which was in Italy, where my father was from and his family were based in the mafia organisation he ran. I felt the need to hold on to that piece of information, even if it served no purpose because I just didn't understand why Andrea would want us in Italy.

But there was no time to play detective. I turned back to see Nance was waiting for me, begging for me to join her as the gunshots neared us. Just as I turned to run towards her, I heard the sounds of running footsteps nearing me. I turned my head to see 4 big men in the distance between containers, they saw me and instantly my heart rate picked up. I turned my head to Nance before I motioned my hand for her to run, "Run! Now!" I screamed before I ran in the other direction, it was too late for me to follow her and if I did, there would be a good chance they'd find her. As of now, they had only seen me, if luck was finally on my side, they'd get off her back and only focus on me considering I was the one their boss wanted dead so badly.

I ran past huge containers, they too had stickers on them but I didn't stop to check them this time as the running men behind me were getting closer and closer. I knew I was outnumbered , I couldn't outrun them because I was shorter, smaller, and I had more injuries than them; I was slowing down. I looked in the distance to see two containers lined up next to each other with a very narrow gap in between them, enough for somebody like me to get through.

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