Chapter 8 - Single or Taken?

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| Savanna |

It was the day of the party and it was safe to say that we were all overly excited for it. We hadn't thrown a party in months now and hadn't really attended any for months either to be fair. I loved parties however. I loved dancing with my friends until god knows how long, getting all dressed up in either fancy or casual attire and well, having fun. I wasn't a drinker, I only drank alcohol at patties and events, unlike a lot of people I knew who were sneaking flasks in to classes at college. No hate though, you do what you gotta do. But I wasn't that kinda girl that would boast about never drinking, because I did despite being underage. However, I had only ever been drunk drunk a handful of times which was something I was happy about. I was too afraid to get drunk most of the time because I hated not having control over my body.

So why do you let a criminal control you?

I think my sub conscious secretly hated me. Ever since my second encounter with him which obviously was a lot more heated than the last, I couldn't get it off my mind. I cannot believe I was standing in my parents garage literally messing around with THEIR guest. Somebody who was clearly handling business with my father. Or so my mom tells me.

This was definitely not like me as I really wasn't secretive, I didn't hide much from my parents because they always found out in the end. Then again, I never really did anything rebellious apart from drinking underage and partying until the early hours of the morning; sometimes, not all the time.

I wasn't that fun.

It was Nances' 21st birthday therefore, there just had to be a lot of alcohol. We had kegs being delivered to the house, beer pong, chugging stations, funky glasses that led a straw in to your mouth for easy access to alcohol and of course, shots upon shots.

I knew it was going to be a long long night.

I had Zara getting ready at my house as she always complained about how bad her lighting was at hers. I also think she just wanted to use my makeup and possibly borrow an outfit but I was that type of friend that would give away her whole wardrobe for my friends to be wearing something they felt good in.

"Hair up or hair down?" She asked as she clipped in her extensions underneath her hair. She had mid length hair but I also think she suited long hair so every now and then she'd clip in a few extensions to meet that length. I looked over at her tilting my head to the side before looking over at her outfit that was hung up. It was a wine red bodycon dress that was short and strapy which gave me hair down vibes just because of how long her hair now looked due to the extensions, I wanted her to show it off. She had dyed her hair black and the two front pieces blonde, a lot of girls were going for that long and trust me it looked sexy as hell. I knew I could never pull it off so when she said she was doing it after seeing it all over tik tok, I was over the moon excited.

"Leave it down and straight, you're giving me Instagram baddie vibes" I told her making her laugh before nodding and leaving her hair as it was.

After a while of glam, we both go dressed in to our outfits. I wore a pair of white high waisted ripped jeans, on top I wore a silver bandeau top that fit so perfectly. I had never worn it before as I didn't have an event to wear it too, it was more of a party top than a family event too if you know what I mean.

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