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~ addison pov

"Where are you going??" As the party began to empty out, there were only a few of us left.. familiar faces being the ones still around. I had seen my brother grab his jacket and get ready to leave with Bella, although I thought he was staying the night.

"My goodness, even drunk you are such a mom, I am staying the night at Bella's, it's too crowded here, you'll take my spot next to Bryce anyways." he said, making me blush. I wasn't planning on sleeping with Bryce tonight.. "I'll take good care of him, I promise!" I heard Bella say as she gave me a hug. I trusted her though, telling them to be careful before watching them leave.

I turned around to see the boys laying on the couch smoking weed. Mads was surprisingly still awake but heavily intoxicated as she laid in Jaden's arms. Bryce laid next to Griffin, passing the blunt over to him before he made eye contact with me. He smiled at me, motioning for me to come over.

I took a seat next to him, feeling the alcohol hit me all at once as I leaned back. His arms wrapped around me as he pulled me closer to him and rested his head on my chest. "Is this okay?" he asked me, looking up at me. I smiled, nodding slightly as I could barely speak due to feeling the insanity of butterflies in the pit of my stomach.

We laid in silence for a bit, feeling myself getting high from all of the second hand smoking. But I felt great, Bryce caressed my arm, sending goosebumps throughout my body.. but I liked the feeling of his touch. Everybody laid in couples, all of us relaxing until Josh offered to play a game. "Let's just play a little game of Spin the Bottle. You have to do a dare when the bottle lands on you and if you don't do it, you have to kiss the person who dared you." he said smirking, all of the guys immediately being down to play.

We all moved to the ground at this point, Josh grabbing an empty bottle and placing it in the middle. We began the game, everything starting off pretty slow until we all began having to strip. I was dared by Avani to switch a piece of clothing with the boy of my choice. I laughed as I looked around, deciding on Jaden as he had a loose t-shirt on which seemed comfy. He chuckled as he stripped it off, handing it over to me and stretching my crop top that I gave him.

Once my dare was complete, Mads grabbed the bottle, spinning it. It landed directly on me, everyone laughing and saying tonight was my night as the bottle had landed on me more times than anyone else. I sighed, looking at Mads as I waited for her to give me a dare. She smirked, and I instantly knew she was going to ask me to do something with Bryce.

"You guys know my bestie here is the best dancer ever... so, I dare you to give Bryce a lap dance." My eyes widened and my jaw dropped as I heard her speak. She giggled as she winked at me, everyone else rooting her on. I felt Bryce's hand land on my lap as he told me I didn't have to do the dare if I didn't want to. I shook my head, "No, I am going to do it." I said, everyone clapping for me.

"Okay, let me give you some inspiration!" I heard Mads say, connecting her phone to the speaker. Moments later, we heard "Dance for You" come on by Beyoncé, a song we had always spoken about in the past. It was just that kind of song that could instantly put somebody in that mood. Mads was putting me in dangerous territory with Bryce.

I waited for the song to hit the chorus as I blushed, covering my face and not wanting to even make eye contact with Bryce as he stood up to get on the couch. The girls continued to encourage me, Bryce giving me a small smile as he held his hand out for me to grab. As I did, I felt his thumb caress my hand, weirdly calming me down a bit. 

I Can't Help But to Think About It.. Day and Night.. I Want to Make That Body Rock.. Sit Back and Watch.. I began by pushing him slightly back against the couch, his hands falling to his sides. I danced slowly for him, but moved my hips to the song, slowly and sensually. 

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