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~ addison pov

"Don't judge me.. I stayed up all night to study for a chemistry exam that I probably failed this morning." I told Mads as I walked into a cafe to meet her. I was wearing sweats with a t-shirt, my hair being up in a bun.. looking like a complete mess. I had slept a total of maybe three hours if I was lucky, stressing about this exam. I couldn't wait to go home and sleep, but I first wanted to meet up with my best friend.

I hadn't seen her since the party which was a week ago since she had gone home to visit her family for her birthday. We had a lot to catch up on though. She started by telling me about Jaden and how happy she was with him. She spent the day after her party with him before flying home, saying that it was the best day ever. She was really falling for him, but Jaden seemed genuine and I was happy for the both of them.

Once she was done sharing about her and Jaden, she immediately jumped to the topic of Bryce and I. "Spill it." she said, making me laugh. There sadly wasn't much to talk about though. Besides the party, we hadn't had much more interaction. We had normal interactions at home, but we hadn't even spoken about the kiss we shared.

"The party was a lot of fun, but we were all also very intoxicated.. I enjoyed myself with Bryce, and we had good vibes.. But he has hung out with my brother more than me this past week.. so there's that.." I said, Mads becoming frustrated along with me. "Ugh can this boy not take a hint!!" She groaned. I was open to getting to know him, but I didn't want to push anything between us. I felt like I was bold enough at the party for him to now make a move..

"Your spark didn't stem from the alcohol though.. you two were definitely hitting it off, it was so obvious. I mean that kiss, you two were hot!!" She said, now making me blush as I remembered the moment. I couldn't help but agree, it was hot, Bryce himself was so hot... but I wasn't going to be chasing after anyone. I had put myself out there enough for him.

She continued to ask me how our interactions had been since the party. The morning after was nice, waking up in his arms felt like a dream.. we cuddled in the morning before having to get up. But that was the last nice moment we had. Every other moment in the house pretty much included my brother or someone else. And he hadn't asked me to hang out..

With exams coming up, I didn't want to focus on him and how confusing our relationship was. I decided to avoid him right back, staying up late at the library or locking myself in my room. It had been a two way street I guess.. but he deserved it. He went from kissing me to barely being able to be alone with me in a room.

"I don't know.." I said, sighing as I frowned. "..I don't even want to think about it, can we just have a girls night tonight please." I asked, Mads nodding. She stood up as she told me she had to run to class, but that she would come over later tonight. I hugged her, thanking her before heading home myself.. my nap awaited.


"What are you doing here?" I asked Tim, it being strange that he was home on a Friday night. "What?? I can't want to stay home and hang out with my lovely sister?" He asked sarcastically as he put his arm around me. I shook my head as I pushed him off, telling him that I was going to be hanging out with Mads tonight.

"Cool, Bella is coming over anyways!" he said with a smile, calling dibs on the movie theatre. I groaned, not even having thought to hang there tonight.. whatever, next time. "Where's your boyfriend?" I asked him, wanting to mess with him, but also just wanting to know where Bryce was. I hadn't seen him all day. I began to see him less and less as time passed, he was slowly moving completely to the Sway House.

Tim shrugged, telling me that he was probably going out to eat with the Sway boys tonight. I nodded as I changed the subject before Tim asked me about Bryce. He thankfully didn't. We made small conversation until he heard the doorbell ring. "That's for me, see ya!" he said, running downstairs.

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