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~ addison pov

My life suddenly felt like it was collapsing as I heard Bryce speak. I had been waiting two weeks for this moment and I never thought those would've been the words to come out of his mouth. What did he mean he didn't remember me?? How could he not..

I was left standing there speechless, Lisa having dragged me out, leaving the doctors to do their work. She walked me back to the waiting room where I sat down, still in complete shock. Lisa sat next to me, trying to talk to me but everything was a blur at the moment.

"Addi.. what's wrong?" I heard that from everyone around me but felt Mads kneel in front of me as she took my hand. I stared at her blankly as she continued to ask me if I was okay. I shook my head, tears immediately beginning to come down my face. I felt Lisa take me into her arms, trying to comfort me, but there was nothing in the world that she could say right now to make this okay.

She calmed me down before speaking to everyone else. I didn't know how to break the news, so she had to. She took a deep breath, still holding my hand as she spoke. "Bryce is doing okay thankfully.. but the doctors are still running some tests. It seems that he woke up with some memory loss.."

Everyone immediately began to ask questions, my father calming them all down and asking them to please let Lisa speak. She now began to tear as well, it wasn't easy telling everyone that he had woken up not knowing who any of us were. "He remembers me, thankfully. And he remembers Tayler.. but he doesn't remember you boys or Addison.." she said, everyone going into an uproar.

"How is this possible?? How could he not remember his best friends and his girl?? There is no way.. Bryce would never forget us!!" Josh yelled, not being able to understand this, none of us did. We were such a huge part of his life, none of this made any sense.

But it didn't take long for the doctor to come back this time. We all stood up once again to hear him speak, this time he wasn't so cheery. He cleared his throat before letting us know what was going on with Bryce. "It seems like he is suffering from Selective Memory Loss, he is stuck in 2018. When I asked him what year it was, that was his response. When did you guys meet him?"

When I heard that, my heart dropped, most of us having met him in 2019. Tayler was the only one who had known him for years, which answered the question as to why he had remembered him. "If you could follow me, I want to see his response to some of your questions.." he asked Tayler, Tayler immediately nodding.

As they were about to leave, I asked them if I could join them. "It's okay if I can't.. I just-" but the doctor immediately nodded, welcoming me to walk with them. I let Tayler hold my hand as he led me back to Bryce's room, telling me to be strong. "I am here if you need anything.." he whispered to me as we had made it to his room.

As they walked in, I stayed by the door, wanting to let them have their moment before I joined in. I heard Bryce's excitement to see Tayler.. I was happy for them, I was. But that was supposed to be me. He was supposed to be dying with excitement to see me..

As they spoke though, it was true. He was stuck in 2018. When Tayler asked him about his last memory with him, he brought up a trip to Hawaii which they had taken in 2018. When he asked him about anything recent, Bryce struggled to remember.. ultimately not being able to do so.

The doctor wrote everything down, but left them alone to have a moment. I heard Tayler take a deep breath before asking Bryce about me. "Bro, you don't remember her at all? Nothing? She doesn't look at least a bit familiar to you?" I heard Bryce respond with a no.. saying he wish he did, but he didn't.

"She seems great, man. I want to so badly remember her, but no matter how hard I try, I can't. She's special though, I know it.. she single handedly got me through all of this. I recognized her voice immediately, she was the one who spoke to me every day.." I covered my face, controlling my tears as I didn't want to cry anymore, especially not in front of him. But his words meant so much to me. Everything I had done the past two weeks were done for him, I was glad I was able to help him get through everything.

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