Chapter 1

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Steam rolled out of the shower as Skye stepped out onto the plush grey mat. She bent down with her towel and blotted the water droplets off her silky smooth legs. She loved the way they felt right after shaving. Once she was dry, Skye wrapped the towel around herself  and continued on with her daily routine. After applying lotion, make-up, and perfume, she checked herself over in the mirror. With satisfaction, she tossed the towel into the hamper by the door and sauntered into her bedroom.

Skye donned her little black dress, and selected a few simple pieces of  jewelry to accent it. Then she spiced up her ensemble with her favorite pair of red heels. They happened to be a gift from a lucky pilot named Dale Abbott. He took her out the previous weekend, and officially initiated her into the mile high club.

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The pilot was the second man to make it onto her newfound list of conquests in the short time she had been single

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The pilot was the second man to make it onto her newfound list of conquests in the short time she had been single.

The first was a biker named Marcus

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The first was a biker named Marcus. He was the ultimate rebound and revenge. Elliot, Skye's ex, had been the prim and proper type of man who looked down on anyone not dressed to the nines in the typical corporate CEO attire.

It was after Skye walked into their condo witnessing Elliot on the couch with a busty blond bent over the edge, that she met Marcus. The girl obviously hadn't known Elliot was engaged by the mask of horror on her face as Skye introduced herself. She huffed a laugh as she recalled the moment. 

Euphoria: Book 1 (18+)Where stories live. Discover now