Chapter 20

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Triggering content for anyone who has suffered domestic/sexual abuse & violence.

*Proceed with caution.*

A light knock sounded at the door. An instant later a female voice carried into the room. She announced herself as an assistant for Doctor Hollingsworth, coming to talk with Skye. The young woman greeted Marcus and Skye with a smile. All professional, wonder what's up? Marcus thought.

 All professional, wonder what's up? Marcus thought

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"Hello, I'm Doctor Merritt. I work with Doctor Hollingsworth. He's been pulled into another surgery, but he filled me in on your case. I would like to go over a few things with you."

"Sure." Skye agreed.

"So, first of all, your toxicology report did come back clear of any drugs. We did a full panel of STI, STD, and other possible illnesses. Those will take a little longer to process, and we will need you to come back for further testing on that as well in six months. Some tests have to have a period of time before they can be done. I will be checking your iron again shortly, and there's one other thing. There are markers here that show that you're pregnant. It would be far too early to have a positive result if you were impregnated by your attackers, so what that means is that you were pregnant before the assault."

"Yes, they took a test while they had me tied up. They said it was positive." Skye began to cry, "they continued the assault and promised to kill the baby." Marcus was ready to go snatch her regular doctor from surgery as his assistant continued.

"Would you mind if I do an ultrasound to confirm my suspicion? It's going to be quite painful considering your injuries, but I do believe it is necessary to know so that we can adjust your treatment plan accordingly."

Does she seriously think the baby survived? Marcus wondered.

"Yes, that's ok."

"Okay, I will set that up. I would like to have a confirmation either way so that we can monitor medications and work up any further procedures needed."

He supposed this was coming sooner or later. He figured it was time to face it head on now anyway. Did his baby live, or will they have to remove the remains? Marcus fought back the tears despite one that escaped. He wiped it away quickly so that Skye wouldn't see.

"Can Marcus stay, please? It would have been his baby." She asked.

"That's perfectly fine with me. I will be back in just a few minutes."

Once Doctor Merritt left the room, Skye looked at Marcus bewildered.

"You don't seem surprised to hear about the baby."

"I found out while we were looking for you. That's all you really need to know. Please don't ask me how."

"I'm so sorry. I didn't know until they..."

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