Chapter 11

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Triggering content for anyone who has suffered domestic/sexual abuse & violence.

*Proceed with caution.*

Skye felt the blood from her busted lip trickle down her chin. She fought the urge to lick her lip to assess how big the cut was. Keeping her eyes trained on the floor in front of her feet, Skye listened closely to see if she could catch any clues about where she was. Marcus' voice came to her reminding her to remain calm and think smart so that she had a fighting chance at getting out of this alive.

The room was silent, aside from the impatient shuffle of whomever happened to be keeping  watch over her. At least she was getting a break from the relentless and brutal assault Elliot bestowed upon her. From the moment she came to, he had punched her repeatedly in the ribs, backhanded her in the face, multiple times, and pulled her hair jerking her head around which just happened to piss her off more than anything. He'd also kicked her in the stomach once as he spat at her. Elliot claimed that if she happened to have gotten knocked up by the filthy biker she was whoring around with, he would take care of that little problem for her while she was tied to his chair.  He informed her that he had been watching her with Marcus for weeks. 

Rage coursed through her veins so thick it outweighed the pain. She doubted that she was pregnant, but the thought churned for a moment too long. She counted the days in her head and was filled with a new sense of horror as she realized there was actually a possibility as she was in fact late. The idea that Elliot would do something so cruel to an unborn child, had her head spinning despite what she was currently going through. I know I pissed him off by jumping on Marcus' bike the day I left, but this is a bit extreme! He deserved the same punch in the gut she felt when she walked in on him.

The clang of metal drew Skye's attention to the door Elliot had earlier exited through. He returned now, carrying a small black velvet bag. The burning rage she felt turned to pure ice as her gut told her things were about to get much worse.

(Elliot Ward - Skye's Ex.)


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Elliot nodded to the person behind her, a moment later, everything went dark. Someone roughly yanked her head back and slammed a dark cloth sack over her head. She was still very much awake, and aware of what was going on around her. She felt the panic start to rise in anticipation, yet fought to get control of her breathing and slow it back down. If I want to get out of this I have to stay calm.

"You won't be so quiet now, Skye." Elliot let out a harsh laugh.

"Fuck you!" She growled.

"Oh, that's not my area of concern anymore. Thanks for the offer though. I wouldn't touch you with a ten foot pole after you've been run through by that trash you've been hanging around with."

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