Chapter 16

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Marcus's men showed great restraint as they refrained from the actions they preferred to make against Skye's captors. Marcus was proud that everyone worked together like family to get Skye back safely. She had made such a major impact on so many people, and most likely had been clueless of the effects her presence had on each of them.

He watched Caius check on everyone and shake hands with each of the brothers that came along on the mission. Caius even shook hands with the detective and officers on scene. Marcus realized he was misguided when he originally felt any angst toward the Dallas chapter's president. He simply hadn't known Caius well enough to make an accurate judgement if his personality. He had more so followed his illusion of a rotten bastard.

Detective Lachlan and his men caught the tail end of the action. Though they were a unified and capable force, they were rendered nearly as useless as they were speechless. At least they will get to drag these sorry asses out of this cellar and straight to the hole for the rest of their miserable lives.

Marcus made a silent plan to help Skye get well and strong. He would build her up physically as well as mentally, and eventually he would stand behind her as she faced her tormentors. She would stand tall and proud showing them she had beaten them all just by surviving. He could see it so clearly in his head. He only hoped to have the chance to make it become a reality. If she preferred to have nothing more to do with him, he would go along with her wishes. He would keep an eye on her from afar, or hire someone to do it for him if needed. Perhaps he could still do something anonymously to help her in some way other than simply protecting her.

He stayed with Skye while the paramedics asked questions and assessed her injuries. She answered all of the questions without hesitation to the best of her recollection. They loaded her onto a gurney and prepped her to go into the ambulance. She reached out and gripped Marcus's hand with all the strength she had left. He gave a gentle squeeze reassuring her he was there.

She became wild with panic as the paramedics pushed her away from Marcus. He made his way back to her side promising not to leave her. Behind him, he heard Joey and Caius make plans to get his bike back to the club as they saw he was going to be staying with her. He stepped into the back of the ambulance and spoke calmly to Skye trying to soothe her anxiety.

Before giving Skye any medicine, they asked about her medical history, allergies, and if she could be pregnant. She looked at Marcus with a sadness that shattered him.

"She is pregnant." Marcus announced softly.

Many emotions played across her face as she stared at him.

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They watched the detective load the Ward men into separate vehicles and smiled. Just before the paramedics closed the doors, Detective Lachlan nodded to Marcus in a sign of respect. He knew they would get another visit from him soon to go over all the gory details. Having friends in high places is always a good thing.

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