Chapter 7

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Skye and Marcus woke to a harsh knock on the door. A wild fear cleaved Skye's chest while she got her head straight and remembered where she was. Marcus patted her back to assure her she was ok. She gave a shy smile and rubbed the sleep from her eyes.

"What!?" Marcus called out.

"You decent, brother?"

"If the club isn't on fire, or someone bleeding. go away, Joey!"

"No fire or blood, but it is important. 5 second warning, I'm coming in."

"Fuck,... cover up, sexy" He said grumpily.

"Might be funny not to. Serves em' right. Also, he already got an eyeful last night."

"Trust me, sugar. He isn't shy either. He would be more likely to show you his naked glory in return now that it wouldn't be an accident that would catch him off guard."

As the door opened, Skye decided to yank the sheet over herself. Marcus smiled at her and quirked a brow.

"Good choice." He said softly.

" He said softly

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"Hey bro." Joey said as he strutted into the room.

"What is it, man?"

"Oh, hey, Vixen. I didn't realize you were still here."

"Hi." Skye smiled.

"Joey... What do you need?" Marcus asked seething with impatience.

"Aeron has been calling, he sent me in to tell you that Caius is coming."

"Shit, when?"


"Alright, anything else?"

"Nah, but if you're going out today, could you grab some Trolli's, the sour gummy worms? Don't get those gas station brand ones, they don't taste right."

"Get out before I make you take over washing bikes with the prospect today!"

"So, is that a yes?"

"Whatever, get out."


"Send Enzo in here."


"Enzo?" Skye asked.


A few minutes went by and Enzo came in as requested. Upon seeing Skye, he instantly found something interesting on the far wall while he waited to hear what Marcus had to say.

 Upon seeing Skye, he instantly found something interesting on the far wall while he waited to hear what Marcus had to say

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