Chapter 9

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Back at the club, Marcus introduced Skye to the guys she pointedly asked about. He explained that Caius would be off limits even though he didn't have an ol' lady. He was off limits because Marcus didn't feel comfortable with her having anything to do with him. He was more unhinged than any of the brothers including himself. A magnet for trouble and danger, as well as one who would go out in search of it. He had a cruelty to him that was unparalleled.

"Enzo has a girlfriend. We won't consider her to be an ol' lady until he's patched in. Don't tell him, but it won't be long." Marcus said.

"No worries there. He's more like a brother to me. Someone I have a strong urge to protect."

"Tobias, Aeron, Abel, and Joey, are all free. No ol' lady for them. Yet, I'll warn you, if you're picking wars with Joey, you don't wanna tangle with him in the bedroom."

With her curiosity suddenly peaked at the statement, Skye had to ask, "Why's that?"

"You really don't want to know. There's truly no safe word. I've seen more than my fair share of girls run screaming after some time alone with him. One even called him a sadistic bastard."

"Damn. He's hot, but quite intimidating. I think I'll take your advice with that one."

"Thank God! Maybe you do have a little common sense after all," Marcus teased.

"Excuse me?" Skye pretended to be appalled.

They both laughed.

"Speaking of Joey, here comes Enzo, don't you have something for him?"

"I do!"

"Go get em' my little vixen."

"Enzo!" Skye called, "here,... catch!"

"What!?" Joey roared.

"Good job today, Enzo!" Skye cheered.

Marcus crossed his arms over his chest and watched Enzo walk inside. The second Joey moved to follow, Marcus stopped him. The warning he gave was nothing to take lightly. Skye knew at that moment, Enzo would be safe. For now.

"Be prepared for war, now." Marcus said in a hushed tone.

"Bring it on." Skye smirked.

"Darlin', you basically just wrestled with the devil himself."

"Even the devil has a weakness." She winked.

Marcus was in trouble. There had never been anyone like Skye. He couldn't even imagine a woman like her. He had misjudged her in the beginning. He had seen her as soft and dare he say even weak. Yet, here she was in his club, worried over his brothers above herself. She had made fast friends of the guys already. He could see it in their eyes, even the ones who hadn't yet had the chance to have a conversation with her. Just being able to observe her at work, they had already made room for her in the club and welcomed her without a doubt. He was far beyond impressed. He had promised not to fall for her. He realized in that moment as she squared off with Joey without a moment of hesitation or fear, he not only couldn't keep that promise, but had already broken it. He had already fallen for her without meaning to. Now he would have to work hard not to let it show. He could not let her find out or he would lose her for good. That was unacceptable.

"I'm sorry we didn't make it to the place I wanted to take you. It's better to be safe than sorry."

"Don't be sorry, it's ok."

"If you want to hang out a bit, you can head inside. Otherwise, if you want to go home, I can take you. It's up to you."

"I can stay a little while, I'd like to change though."

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