Chapter 2

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"Hi, honey! I've been looking all over for you!"

Skye walked up and slid her arm through the mystery man's arm and leaned her head on his shoulder. He looked at her with a puzzled expression and she smiled back, offering a subtle wink. They watched as the female walking toward them stopped in her tracks. She was taken aback and offered an apologetic nod and smiled before walking away.

"Nicely done." He noted.

"You're welcome."

"So what was that about?"

"I saw that you might need a hand at getting some peace and quiet."


"No problem. I'm Skye."

"Nice to meet you."


"I appreciate what you did back there, I'm afraid I'm not much of a conversationalist. I'm not really looking for any company either. I came here tonight on behalf of my brother. Once I finish his business, I'll be leaving."

"No worries, you're not on my docket tonight anyway. I too am here on business. I work for Mr. Dermott."

"Oh? That's who I am here to see. I'm sorry if I came off as rude..."

"You just have women throwing themselves at you and don't want to lead anyone on. No worries. I understand! Would you like me to introduce you to Mr. Dermott?"

"If you would, I would owe you greatly! I am ready to get this over with. I'm not big on crowds."

"I gathered. Come with me."

Skye led the way to her bosses table.

"Excuse me, Mr. Dermott. I've got someone here to meet you, sir. I'm sorry, I didn't catch your name..."

"Hello, sir. I'm Grant Neely. I'm here on my brother's behalf. He couldn't make it tonight. He was in an accident a few days ago and hasn't yet been released from the hospital. He was supposed to call to make arrangements to meet with you. I was told to come here tonight."

"Yes, I spoke with Seth this morning. I'm glad you made it." They shook hands.

Mr. Dermott motioned for them to both take a seat at his table. Skye took her seat and tuned out her surroundings as her boss and Grant launched into their business. She fell deep into thought and lost all track of time. Though she fought it, she always seemed to drift back to thoughts of Marcus. She would need a distraction this evening or she would run the risk of contacting him. With a glance at her watch, Skye gasped. 10:15pm, she was already running late. Thankfully the conversation seemed to pause briefly, so she took advantage of the break and spoke up.

"Sir, if you don't need anything else, I think I'm going to call it a night."

"Thank you, Skye. Your chauffeur should still be outside. Please let me know you made it home safely, when you make it. Have a good night."

"Will do, and, same to you. Good evening. It was nice meeting you, Mr. Neely."

Skye didn't wait for Grant's response. She turned and made her way outside to have her chauffeur, Greg, drive her to Euphoria.

"Hello, Miss Murphy. Are you ready to go?"

"Yes, please."

Greg opened her door for her and closed it once she was secured in the back seat. He then got in the driver's seat and started the car.

"Where too, dear?"

"I will be joining a friend at Euphoria for her birthday, if you don't mind, thank you."

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