Chapter 15

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Triggering content for anyone who has suffered domestic/sexual abuse & violence.

*Proceed with caution.*

"I was digging around for anything to help lead us to finding Skye. There's no return address on the box, but there's a postal code from the place it was sent. I went online to do some research. Do you remember the list of Wards there were with addresses?" Caius asked.

"I'm following."

"Well, I cross referenced the postal code to the addresses and got a possible match. There is only one address in the same postal code. If my hunch is right, I know where she is being kept."

"How do you know they didn't just mail it from a different spot?"

"I used Google maps, zoomed in and did an areal view. It's deep into the woods and appears to have a lot of land with places to hide. There's a big house with what looks to be a barn or shed of some kind and a few cars. Depending when the last update was done on Google maps, she would have to be there. It feels right, you know. If I were to take someone, which I'm not, you couldn't get more secluded than that."

"Send the address to the detective and tell him we are on our way over there to check it out. I'll get Joey, Aeron, and Abel up to speed and ready to go."

"Tell Tobias to come as well, he's got skills that may very well come in handy." Caius suggested.

Marcus explained to the group about the lead Caius came up with. Each one was ready to go within a few minutes. Caius informed Marcus the detective was rounding up a team to head over there as well. It would be a race to get there first. Marcus prayed he found Skye alive, and that he would have the strength to help her.

He couldn't even begin to fathom the loss of another unborn child against his will. Much less, take the time to mourn it for himself. The only saving grace was that this time, the mother in question wasn't the one holding the axe. Therefore, he also held concern for Skye. It was clear by her reaction in the video, she had no idea she was pregnant. Not only did she have to process the fact she was suddenly going to be a mother, in the same instant, she had to process the loss of her baby as well. Our baby.

Before he could spiral out of control, he looked to the left, then to the right. Any direction he looked, he saw his brothers. Though they weren't all blood related, they were his family. Each one on their bikes waiting for his signal giving the green light to go. Marcus looked down for a moment in reflection. He'd be forever grateful for his men. With a turn of the key, he fired up his motorcycle, and gave the signal to go.

After nearly forty-five minutes of riding East through shady, winding roads, Marcus slowed down and pulled onto the shoulder. He motioned for the others to pull over and kill their engines as well. Once it was silent, Marcus got off his bike and walked over to Joey. The others followed suit.

"We need to ditch the bikes and go on foot from here. If they hear the engines out here, it could literally mean life or death for Skye." Marcus urged.

"I agree. We need to cover the bikes. Push them up here into the tree line to get them out of sight in case there's anyone coming or going." Joey stated.

"We need to pair off and split up. Then go different directions. There's a lot of land. I do have prime places narrowed down and pinpointed on the screenshot I'm sending, now." Caius suggested.

"Yes, I agree. We need to signal the others somehow if we find anything. Turn your phones on silent. We can communicate through text only." Marcus explained.

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