Chapter 12

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Marcus waited until the scene was cleared before going on the hunt for Skye. He rode his bike around town for a little while hoping to find any kind of clue as to where Elliot would have taken her. When he finally pulled over and looked at his cell phone, he saw several missed calls and messages.

Initially he had sent everyone to do a different task and they would all meet back at the club. They left with the orders to text him information if they found anything that would help him find Skye. During his ride, everywhere he checked left him empty-handed. No one else turned up any information either. The only texts he received were asking if he was okay and where he was at.

Once back at the club, Marcus met everyone in the active member's conference room. It took him a minute to find the words he needed in order to explain to everyone what was going on. Joey filled everyone in on the few vague details that he had discovered at the crash site. Yet, Marcus had even more to share.

He sighed heavily and ran his hands through his hair while looking down at his feet. He was feeling completely defeated. The sense of urgency pushed him to finally break the silence and get everyone up to speed with what little he knew.

"At the crash site, I was able to compile a good bit of information from Enzo's girlfriend. She gave me a name, Elliot, who happens to be Skye's ex-fiance. Camberlee had no idea who it was. She never saw his face, but heard someone else say his name. I checked around town and came up empty."

"Let's review some facts that we know about Skye. Where does she work? Who did she hang out with when she's not with you? Where does she routinely go? What do we know about Elliot?" Joey added.

"She works for that rich techie guy in town that owns that skyscraper of an office building across from the bank. I forgot the name of his company or brand. As far as where she goes and who she hangs out with, I don't have any answers, nor do I currently know anything about Elliot."

"So we start with her boss. How long has she been working there? If it's long enough he may be our best lead to finding out anything on Elliot." Aeron suggested.

"That's a good idea. I'm not sure how I missed that. My head is not in a good place right now."

"That's understandable brother if my ol' lady had been taken, I would be lost as well." Aeron said.

"All right, I'm going to go see her boss. You guys see what you can dig up in the meantime."

"No problem, we've got you, brother." Joey promised.


Marcus ended the meeting, and was the first one out of the room. He felt a hint of relief and motivation to finally have a solid plan in place. He sent up silent prayers that Skye's boss would have some kind of information to help them find her. At the very least, a lead that would get them on the right path.

Without any further hesitation, he jumped on his bike. Marcus fired it up, kicked it into gear, and hauled ass toward Skye's office. Within a half hour, he was pulling up to the building he aimed for. For the second time today, he found himself feeling relief when he saw that the lights were on inside which signaled that someone was still working.

Marcus parked his bike and jogged to the door. He found it was locked and started banging on it to get somebody's attention. When a man started coming down the hallway toward the glass door, he sent a silent thank you to the heavens above along with another prayer that this was the right man.

"Good evening, can I help you?" The man asked after unlocking the door.

"Yes, please tell me your Skye's boss." Marcus pleaded with desperation.

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