Chapter 18

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Triggering content for anyone who has suffered domestic/sexual abuse & violence.

*Proceed with caution.*

Marcus slowly roused to the annoying sound of someone tapping their foot nearby. He realized it was the tired looking doctor in charge of Skye's care. He had not just dreamed of someone saying his name. By the look of impatience on the doctor's face, he had been there for a minute. Instantly alert, he cleared his throat and forced himself to focus on what the doctor was saying.

"Miss Murphy would like to see you now."

"Oh, thank you!" Marcus fought the urge to hug him.

"I'd like to go over a few things before I take you back to see her. It is important that you understand where we are with her health before you go."

"Yes, sir. Of course."

"I'm sorry for the delay, it has been a bit hectic today... The main focus is going to be Miss Murphy's heart, she's still at risk of the effects of hypovolemic shock. It is a very serious, life threatening condition. Due to the blood loss suffered from her injuries, her heart struggled to pump enough blood throughout her body. This condition can lead to organ failure. We gave her a blood transfusion to try to head off and avoid just that. There was a small perforation to her bowel, we repaired it and don't expect there to be any further complications from it, but there is always a risk. Aside from all of that, there are many lacerations. The lesser ones will heal and likely only leave a very faint marking, if any. There were three deeper wounds including the one that perforated the bowel. Those can be expected to scar. Miss Murphy has a long road ahead of her in the way of recovery. She's a very strong woman. The next twenty four hours will tell us how her body will hold up. Once we are out of the woods, she is going to need a great deal of support and in my experience, you will not want to leave her alone after such a violent trauma. Night terrors and suicidal tendencies become very intense during recovery. Do you have any questions!"

"Thank you, doc. I'm still processing all that information. Honestly, I can't think straight enough right now to even form a question."

"I understand. If you think of anything, just let me know. Lets get you back to see her now."

A moment later, Marcus followed the doctor through double doors, down one brightly lit hallway, to another. There was an eerie silence and a lack of people throughout. The walls were empty of pictures and decor and the lights had a bluish silver hue. When finally he reached the end of the maze he was led through, Marcus braced himself for what was on the other side of the door. As if he could read his thoughts, the doctor gave him a moment, then gave him a reassuring smile and a pat on the back. He gently did a double tap on the door before entering.

"Hello, Miss Murphy. I've brought someone in to see you!" The doctor smiled. Marcus admired how his face was suddenly bright and his entire demeanor changed. That's some serious bedside manner.

"Hi, Skye." Marcus said gently.

A smile quickly formed on her bruised and cracked lips. He glanced over her body and was thankful for hospital gowns and blankets. Her face and arms were the only areas that were visible. With an IV and cables covering a portion of Skye's right arm, she turned her left hand over and opened it. A small gesture of an invitation, yet it was monumental to Marcus. There was such trust and intimacy in the action, his heart swelled. Without a hint of hesitation, he took the three strides to toward her bed and reached out to hold her hand.

"I'm here." He choked out.

Silently, the doctor pulled a chair from the corner of the room and placed it behind Marcus. After encouraging him to sit and relax, there was another gentle knock on the door. The doctor excused himself for the moment to answer it.

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